Friday, February 15, 2013


So have you heard about the totally fun linky party that's going on right now.  It's called Hey Girl and it's so fun I just had to get in on it.  Stop over at Bliss Ranch to find out what it's all about and get in on the fun. Hurry though, the party ends Sunday.  Hope to see you there.


So here's my take(s) on this fun Valentine's party...

Awww, isn't that so sweet and how about this sweet Valentine's message from my baby boy...

And finally, I couldn't close this special Hey Girl linky party post without a little love letter from the president...Enjoy!

Ha, I just couldn't resist.  He has such a nice smile!

Linking this post up to Bliss Ranch

Monday, February 11, 2013


They say..."they" being professional designers...that every room should have a "STATEMENT PIECE"...that being a special, one-of-a-kind piece of art, fabulous accessory or lighting.  Each room should have one something special!!  Well, the other day I found that something special for sis's room...and so without further ado...

...the piece de resistance

When I spotted this guy at a local thrift store I just had to have him.  I knew he was perfect for this spot atop sis's lingerie chest.  He's tall, white and large enough to fill the space perfectly but I was hesitant at first to put something like this in my may laugh, but seeing as how our home is a Christian home, I didn't know if displaying a "greek god" is something I was comfortable doing, but I bought him anyway.  There's just something so captivating about him...don't you agree?

Well, it turns out he's no greek god after all.  I did a little googling to see if I could find out "who" this fellow is and of all things...he's MOSES of the bible...

Sorry this is not a very good pic, but this is the same statue and check out the price for this guy...$149.00.  There were other sites that had him for $175.00.  Ridiculous!!!! I only paid $10.00 for him.  The hubs says I paid about $10.00 too much lol, but I think I got a bargain and he certainly does make a statement.

So tell me, what "statement" pieces do you have in your home?

Sharing at these fabulous parties:

My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia...Tuesday's Treasures
Coastal Charm...Nifty Thrifty Tuesday
Savvy Southern Style...Wow Us Wednesday
From My Front Porch To Yours...Treasure Hunt Thursday
No Minimalist Here...Open House Party