Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Okay I must come CLEAN...this is my first ever tablescape...oh sure, I have set a nice table for holidays and plenty of parties...some using of my good dishes and others using PAPER and PLASTIC dinnerware...besides my Royal Duchess china I got from an auction years ago and my everyday good ol' CORRELL from Wal-Mart, I just don't own very many dishes....oh I know what you are thinking....for SHAME...however I have been picking up a few things here and there at thrift stores because I saw some of y'alls tablescapes and I have been dying to play along...

...I was wanting my first published tablescape to be a setting for two on the porch on a warm sunny spring day using my "Royal Duchess" china; however, Mr. Spring has disappeared and ol' Mr. Winter is back in town...and I just had the need to PLAY... I put together this little Blue and White tablescape...INDOORS...using some things I've been picking up here and there at various little thrift shops...Although I only have four place settings and there are a few mismatched pieces, I think she turned out pretty know for an AMATEUR and a tablescape on the CHEAP...

...much to my SURPRISE, I discovered that most of the shots of this table were taken during the 'BLUE HOUR' isn't that fitting for a BLUE and white table...(did you know that there are actually two blue hours everyday, yes that's at dawn and the other at dusk)...

...I will do a breakdown later of just what is on this table and how much this little tablescape set me back but for now I'll just be quiet and show you some pictures...

...everything on this table cost me a whopping $ that's cheap!...

---Pottery Barn "Emma" (I used the dinner plates as chargers) almost a whole 4 piece place setting (minus the cereals bowls and two mugs) for $3.50 (these retail for $159.00)....SCORE
---Baum Bros. "Bernadotte" dinner all four for $1.00
---No name salad all four for .40
---flatware, my everyday, nothing special flatware...$0
---blue rose tablecloth (fabric remnant) $2.00 thrift store find
---4 white linen napkins $1.00 for all
---4 vintage silver napkin rings $1.00 for all
---centerpiece arrangement $1.00 (LED candles from the dollar store on clearance .30 each)
---cakeplate .50
---tart tins (whole ziploc bag full) .25 I wasn't finished playing yet, I decided to change up this little tablescape by adding a few bits of yellow to it...I tucked a little sunflower into each of the napkins rings and changed out the centerpiece with some forsythia...and added a couple bird candleholders...

 anywayyyyyy, there you have FIRST EVER tablescape...yes I know not like all you girls' out there in blogland....but I like it and I had FUN....that's what's important!!!!

I'm linking up to these parties....

Tablescape Thursday @ Between Naps On The Porch 
Open House Thursday @ No Minimalist Here
Twice Owned Tuesday @ House Of Grace
Nifty Thrifty Tuesday @ Coastal Charm

Time to Shine Tuesday @ A Diamond in the Stuff 
Tuesday Treasures @ My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia 
Wow Us Wednesday @ Savvy Southern Style
Whassup Wednesday @ Elements Interiors
Thrifty Things Friday @ The Thrifty Groove
Show And Tell Friday @ My Romantic Home

Monday, March 28, 2011


I have dedicated the GO-TO section of my blog to showcase local area attractions and favorite places that inspire and that I treasure.  This includes anything from the great outdoors to my favorite little shops, some will feature tablescapes and decorating ideas to boot.

I have been toying with the idea of hosting a little blog party called "GO-TO TUESDAY" where you could post some of the inspiring local attractions/or shops you GO TO in your neck of the woods.  It's funny how every area of the country has neat little out of the way places that are just chock full of inspiration.  I would love to hear about those places in your area and I thought a little blog party where you could showcase them would be so much fun.  WHATTA YA THINK?  I'm anxious to hear from you.

Hmmm, Hmmm, anyway on to my little GO-TO post for today...

Although Missouri is rich with natural I want to share one of our areas man made attractions that is right smack dab in the middle of little ol', CUBA, MO, where I live...

Cuba is located along the famous HISTORIC ROUTE 66, you know the one that travels from Chicago to California, the one in which a gazillion OLD movies have been filmed.  Yes, THAT one. 

A few years back our town put together a little "beautify the city" project called "VIVA CUBA".  During this effort to beautify our little town, a few local ARTISTS got together and hand painted MURALS on several of the town's old buildings along ROUTE 66.   These murals depict and encapsulate "days gone by" when life along Route 66 was booming.  Many of them also depict historical events, such as scenes from the CIVIL WAR. 

Enough said I don't want to spoil the fun, now on to the TOUR....

Senator HARRY TRUMAN came to campaign in Cuba in the 1940 election...

Truman Fair Mural Cuba MO

Hayes Shoe Store is located on what was called "PROSPERITY CORNER".  This is a depiction of the general store which used to be on this corner.

Amelia Earhart made an emergency landing in Cuba on September 4, 1928

Amelia Earhart Mural

West became Mayor

Mayor Al West Mural Cuba MO

Working in the local sawmill and lumber company

People's Bank Mural Cuba MO

Oh the GREAT Missouri outdoors

Truman Fair Mural Cuba MO

This one is my FAVORITE...Stop the presses!  Bette Davis visited Cuba in November of 1948

Amelia Earhart Mural

Apple picking days

Apple Picking Mural

History at the 4-way

Wallis Oil Mural


Pilot Knob Civil War Mural

Are these INCREDIBLE or what? 

These are but just a few of Cuba's murals.  If you would like to SEE MORE....please by all means take a little internet trip over to where you can get a better view of Cuba's complete mural GALLERY....or if you are ever in my neck of the woods....take a ride over to beautiful Cuba, Missouri and view these beauties in person. 

I am linking up with:

Amaze Me Monday @ Dittle Dattle 
Time to Shine Tuesday @ A Diamond in the Stuff 
Tuesday Treasures @ My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia 
Whassup Wednesday @ Elements Interiors
Wow Us Wednesday @ Savvy Southern Style
Open House Thursday @ No Minimalist Here
Show And Tell Friday @ My Romantic Home

Vintage Inspiration Friday @ Common Ground
PS.  My next little GO-TO adventure has a little surprise and features this cabin... 


Friday, March 25, 2011


ONCE upon a time there was a SAD little girl who had no CLOCHE  (Ahhhhh, that's not a fairy tale that's a HORROR story)...but TRUE...I have NO cloche...don't you feel SORRY for me?

Well not to worry...I MADE my own...yes, you heard me right...I MADE my own...

The STORY goes like this....

You see, I had been spying all sorts of GORGEOUS cloches around blogland and just knew I NEEEEEEDED one of my own...

So I set out to see what I could find....not an easy feat for someone who lives in a place where the closest Michaels or Hob Lob is more than an hours drive...but alas I did find a few....only to discover the OUTRAGEOUS price tags....who would've thought that a glass dome could be so EXPENSIVE...$30-$50 or more...ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!!!!

Shopping results for CLOCHES

Chateau Cloches - Set of 2 set of 2 Clear
$89.00 - Home Decorators ...
Chateau Cloches - Set Of 2
$87.99 - I thought I'll just wait for a good CLEARANCE sale, but alas there have been none....then...

I got so very EXCITED when I saw how a couple of you INGENIOUS decorator's got clever and used sconce globes as mini cloches...awww aren't they CUTE?

...but sadly I had no sconce globes just lying around the house (they're probably in storage)....oh, darn the bad luck (as my mother-in-law would say)..., no, wait...don't get bored...KEEP WILL be surprised... idea hit me...MAKE ONE...What, am I CRAZY!  Make one out of WHAT?  

I searched high and low for things that were clochelike but came across nothing...then all of the sudden....BAM, the light came on...and I thought.....Ohhh, that could really work....OMGosh, Sheila, that is soooooo CLEVER...ohhhh, NO, NO, NO that's way toooooo CORNY...clever or corny, hmmmm, I don't know but I just gotta try it...(I thought to myself).  

You are never going to believe what I used to make my little cloche...

...oh YES I did...I made a cloche from a 2-litre soda bottle...can you believe it.   I know it's a little (well maybe a lot) CHEEEEEZY, but ...TA DA!!!!       

Sweet little vingette, isn't it.  Anything with roses and birdies are just
to die for!

Isn't my little vintage silver bowl just soo pretty?  It's even more lovely
filled with moss and a beautiful glass rose.

Well tell me, whatta ya think? this CLEVER or CORNY?
...another thought hit....HA, a disposable cloche (you know they say, there's a disposable version of everthing these days).  Wouldn't these be fantastic for centerpieces at your next ladies meeting, banquet or occassion.  You could use paper plates for the base, you could also give them away as party favors.  The possibilities are endless.  The best part is they are FREE!!!!

You can make them as fancy or as casual as you like.  You can glue a pretty finial to the cap.  You can paint the cap.  I just put a pretty little bow on mine, so that way you could actually see that I used a  SODA BOTTLE...

...but you can do whatever you want, just play and be creative.

I would love to hear ALL your comments....tell me, what do you this oh so CLEVER, or is it way too CORNY?  Myself, I thought my idea was pretty clever and turned out just sooooo I've submitted my idea into DIY Showoff and also decided to join these parties today. 

<br><br><br><b>Join us every Friday...</b>Vintage Inspiration Friday

Thanks ladies for hosting such terrific parties....HUGS!!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Our little house, built in 1939 is not equipped with a fancy state of the art kitchen and all the modern aminities one could desire, but it WORKS and that's all that matters. 

It was in pretty sad shape when we moved in...

...but I have managed to get it cleaned and painted...although this is a small room, it gets a LOT of natural light so I painted it a rich, deep, vibrant RED ("Bourdeaux" from Royal Paints Historic Collection) which I think turned out fabulous.  The only thing I would change is the's a little too shiny for my taste so that might have to change...EVENTUALLY...

....I took a SHORT break after the cleaning and painting...but then I got back to work and threw up some know to make it feel more homey old kitchen sported ROOSTERS so that is what I have gone with in here...which is fitting with the style of this little COUNTRY kitchen.

The fruit motif on the upper cabinets was already here, it is sooo sweet and it really works well with the red and the roosters. also works well with these valances I can find out more about that HERE...I thought the fruit, flowers and roosters would clash...but to my WORKS.

After leaving our modern mansion (the one with all those modern LUXURIES) for our cute little vintage home, we were sure we would have a BIG problem adjusting to our LITTLE kitchen.  After all it is very TINY, it doesn't have an island, it doesn't have slide-outs, it doesn't have a built-in microwave or a walk-in pantry like our other kitchen, but surprisingly enough we have adjusted AND we actually LIKE it. 

So now you know all about my RED ROOSTER KITCHEN!