Friday, March 25, 2011


ONCE upon a time there was a SAD little girl who had no CLOCHE  (Ahhhhh, that's not a fairy tale that's a HORROR story)...but TRUE...I have NO cloche...don't you feel SORRY for me?

Well not to worry...I MADE my own...yes, you heard me right...I MADE my own...

The STORY goes like this....

You see, I had been spying all sorts of GORGEOUS cloches around blogland and just knew I NEEEEEEDED one of my own...

So I set out to see what I could find....not an easy feat for someone who lives in a place where the closest Michaels or Hob Lob is more than an hours drive...but alas I did find a few....only to discover the OUTRAGEOUS price tags....who would've thought that a glass dome could be so EXPENSIVE...$30-$50 or more...ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!!!!

Shopping results for CLOCHES

Chateau Cloches - Set of 2 set of 2 Clear
$89.00 - Home Decorators ...
Chateau Cloches - Set Of 2
$87.99 - I thought I'll just wait for a good CLEARANCE sale, but alas there have been none....then...

I got so very EXCITED when I saw how a couple of you INGENIOUS decorator's got clever and used sconce globes as mini cloches...awww aren't they CUTE?

...but sadly I had no sconce globes just lying around the house (they're probably in storage)....oh, darn the bad luck (as my mother-in-law would say)..., no, wait...don't get bored...KEEP WILL be surprised... idea hit me...MAKE ONE...What, am I CRAZY!  Make one out of WHAT?  

I searched high and low for things that were clochelike but came across nothing...then all of the sudden....BAM, the light came on...and I thought.....Ohhh, that could really work....OMGosh, Sheila, that is soooooo CLEVER...ohhhh, NO, NO, NO that's way toooooo CORNY...clever or corny, hmmmm, I don't know but I just gotta try it...(I thought to myself).  

You are never going to believe what I used to make my little cloche...

...oh YES I did...I made a cloche from a 2-litre soda bottle...can you believe it.   I know it's a little (well maybe a lot) CHEEEEEZY, but ...TA DA!!!!       

Sweet little vingette, isn't it.  Anything with roses and birdies are just
to die for!

Isn't my little vintage silver bowl just soo pretty?  It's even more lovely
filled with moss and a beautiful glass rose.

Well tell me, whatta ya think? this CLEVER or CORNY?
...another thought hit....HA, a disposable cloche (you know they say, there's a disposable version of everthing these days).  Wouldn't these be fantastic for centerpieces at your next ladies meeting, banquet or occassion.  You could use paper plates for the base, you could also give them away as party favors.  The possibilities are endless.  The best part is they are FREE!!!!

You can make them as fancy or as casual as you like.  You can glue a pretty finial to the cap.  You can paint the cap.  I just put a pretty little bow on mine, so that way you could actually see that I used a  SODA BOTTLE...

...but you can do whatever you want, just play and be creative.

I would love to hear ALL your comments....tell me, what do you this oh so CLEVER, or is it way too CORNY?  Myself, I thought my idea was pretty clever and turned out just sooooo I've submitted my idea into DIY Showoff and also decided to join these parties today. 

<br><br><br><b>Join us every Friday...</b>Vintage Inspiration Friday

Thanks ladies for hosting such terrific parties....HUGS!!


  1. Your brilliant! I would have never thought of such a good idea. I am like you, don't have any cloches and have always wanted to make one. Clever, clever girl...I am inspired.

  2. You are truly the thinker outside the box!!!
    And I commend you on being "green"!!
    And between you and me........I am closheless also.......
    I am your latest follower!
    Stop by!!

  3. Now this is totally ingenius. I LOVE it. Yes, we all have to have a cloche or two and this is so fabulous. Love your wonderful vignette. It is stunning. Hugs, Marty

  4. Hi Sheila! Well, honey, you're just the smartest one! I think your cloche looks wonderful! Very clever and you sure do know what to poke under one too.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  5. You are a very clever and creative girl! love your cloche, I think the soda cap would look cute with some glitter? May be? and no, it isn't corny, I admire your creativity.
    Thank you for showing us this post today!
    XXX Ido

  6. That is very clever. Everything looks better under a cloche, and I think it looks great.

  7. Very smart. looking at it you'd never know it's plastic! Very fun! Glad you linked up to the party!

  8. brilliant!!!!!
    and especially clever if you have a houseful of kids!

  9. I'm with you - love cloches, but can't believe the prices.
    Clever idea.

  10. Very clever, Sheila! I have to tell you that I am surprised when I see the price on cloches online, too, but I got lucky a few times and found a couple at Goodwill, I think I found one at Home Goods and my first one, I wound up making like you did, with a glass florist vase and a glass knob I had left over from another project. Another goody was one I did from one of those glass dome clocks - got that at a garage sale and removed all the clock bits {you can find those at garage sales and thrift stores, too}.


I LOVE hearing from you...please leave me a comment!