Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Well I know this trick has been done before by many, many DIY decorator's like myself.  However, as many times as I have made my own draperies, I have never tried this little trick. 

I was needing a little something for the kitchen windows...OBVIOUSLY

...actually the whole kitchen needs an overhaul...but we'll save that for another discussion...

Anywhooooooo, back to the window treatment kitchen windows REALLY needed a little SOMETHING, but I just hadn't come across anything I really liked at the stores soooo.... I knew I would most likely be making be own window treatments....the hunt was on for fabric...what color should I use...what type of pattern do I know all the usual questions we agonize over DAILY...

...then one day while thrifting I found this BLACK floral bedskirt for $2.00...

I just knew it would be perfect in the kitchen....I struggled with the's not a valance it's a think anybody will know?...Ohhh the shame!!!...but I reckoned with myself it was was already the perfect length for a was already nicely gathered....sooo yes I will use this bedskirt for window treatments...

...I cut away the white center part, leaving a two inch wide strip of the "white" center attached.  I cut the skirt part 1 1/3 times my window length for each window and hemmed the edges.  I then folded the white part under and sewed a long 1 1/2 inch wide pocket for the rod to go through....and VIOLA'...'s a it's a it's a valance...whew!!!...this was SEW quick and took all of probably a half hour to make two valances...and the entire project cost me $ that's a bargain...the best part is I really like them....even the HUBSTER commented on how much he liked them when he came in from that's SPECIAL...

...I am linking up with Kara at Elements Interiors for WHASSUP WEDNESDAY and with Kim at Savvy Southern Style for WOW US WEDNESDAYS...thanks ladies for the great parties!!!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you SO MUCH for linking up to WHASSUP WEDNESDAY!!! Great entry:) Absolutely BRILLIANT! A!

    Hope to see you next Wednesday!



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