Monday, March 21, 2011


Since I know my followers are just DYING to take a little PEAK inside my house (NOT!), I have prepared this little post for their viewing pleasure.  The following are before and after pictures of my living room.  

The before....

Now I know what you're thinking...It was soooo airy and cottagey looking...why didn't I keep that sweet pinkish color and the retro wallpaper?  Well first off, I considered keeping the paper because I really did like it, but the hubster said the paper IS going...PERIOD.  Secondly, that pretty pinkish color was not as pinkish as it appears in these was more like a horrible (FILTHY) mauve color...not very appealing.  So down came the paper...look what color was behind it.... that FRIGHTENING or what?  So now we'll just move onto bigger and better things...something a little more serene and a lot less relax, come on in and sit a spell...the AFTER...

I am not finished with the built-in bookshelves yet.  They REALLY need more books and BETTER accessories...I am still looking for just the perfect treasures to showcase here...

Do keep in mind that I have used some of the furniture and decor from our old house, as I have yet to decide just what style I want to go with here...AND... although I have had many compliments on what I've done in here thus far...this is ALL subject to STAY TUNED!  

--Wall color used is "Wicker" from Royal Paints (Ace Hardware) Historic Collection

I am linking up with Susan at Between Naps on the Porch for Metamorphis Monday. 


  1. Beautiful room!

    Thanks so much for stopping by the Back Porch. I appreciate your visit and comment.:-)

  2. Lovely home. I am your newest follower, looking forward to future posts and pics. Diane


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