Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Have you ever been asked to do a job for someone that you just really did NOT want to tackle...and have you ever said YES although you REALLY didn't want to...even to the point of biting your own tongue off...Yes, I'm pretty sure we all have at least once...well, I am notorious for doing this very thing...

...my dear friend from church asked me once again to do her taxes...and, of course....(biting my tongue the whole time as I hate doing my own taxes much less someone else's) I said "oh sure, I'll do them, just bring me your paperwork"....knowing my friend, I should have said bring me your paperwork YESTERDAY...as I knew she would wait until the last minute to get it all together...boy was I right...she waited until APRIL 13...

...I worked feverishly to get them done before the deadline...pestering her every half-hour as she didn't bring me all the necessary information...only to e-file them and have them REJECTED by the IRS...rejected, why?

...Well, it turns out my friend FORGOT what year her husband was born so I plugged in the wrong date on the tax form...tell me...how exactly does a woman forget such a thing...well, thankfully this was a QUICK fix and I was able to refile just in the nick of time...Praiseallujah...they were ACCEPTED...

...WHEW, what a relief...I think my friend must have SENSED my nervousness over the whole situation...hmmm, maybe it was my huge PANIC ATTACK that lead her to this conclusion...and so in her infinate wisdom...

...she had this very lovely little bouquet special delivered to the office...for MOI...

...AWWWW, isn't he just soooooo cute? Instantly...

...frustration, aggrevation...headache....GONE!!...aren't flowers just wonderful that way...they make everything better, brighter and cheerier...and all the better when they are hand delivered by a sweet little florist....

....flowers are a GOD SEND...as they always put us in a better frame of mind...don't you think?

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sheila,
    Yes, I get suckered into doing things I really don't want to do all the time. It's amazing how a very small show of appreciation turns the ordeal into something far more pleasant in the memory. Which, of course, sets us up to repeat the "yes" that we would like to turn to "no". But in the end, I think it's all worth it.

    Thanks for your comments on my blog. I should have spent more time cruising through blogs before I tried posting. I'm not really as computer illiterate as I seem, just "blog illiterate". lol I am going to have to buy a new camera. The cheap digital I have doesn't give me enough control. But I will have to stop buying on ebay for awhile to afford one.

    Good luck in your china (and other treasures) hunting. How did your tea fund raiser go?

    I use photobucket, but I've only used it for storage. I must go check that out. Thanks.


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