Wednesday, July 20, 2011


After reading some of the more recent posts at Fiona & Twig (love that blog), I'm realizing that I'm not the only one out there who doesn't have a seemingly "CHARMED" life...with that in mind...I decided to show you all the outside of my house...Until now I guess I have been a little too EMBARRASSED to let you all see it...

This and the following pics were taken from real estate listing
before purchase in September 2010
 ...I really have been too embarrassed to show much of my house...not because it's not a great house with great bones but....WELL.....because it's not the beautiful modern MANSION as so many of you have...

It doesn't boast a beautiful painted or brick facade and loads of curb a matter of fact, in the above picture you can't tell where the yard ends and the driveway begins...yes, there IS a driveway...just no curb appeal...

...this old house doesn't have the fabulous modern aminities many of you are accustomed to...and there's no GIANT three car garage or workshop...just a tiny one car garage (well one car MIGHT fit) with the cutest carriage house doors...I would love to turn this jewel into a little "shop" of my own someday....but that's SOMEDAY...

...for now it stores the lawn mowers, various tools and a few unpacked boxes..., my little screened porch is not big enough to fit a dining area and living area all in one...and right now it needs rescreened,! my house doesn't have any fancy a matter of fact there are NO gardens at all...AND...the existing flower beds pretty much remain empty...though I have managed to plant a few knock-out roses...

....Yes, there's WAY too much to do here....and there's so LITTLE time...but you know, I wouldn't trade my little old house...with her sweet character and charm for the biggest, modernist (is that a word?)mansion in the world...why?...because I love her...that's why I bought her....and I intend to give her all of the tender loving care she's just gonna have to be one project at a room at a time...and it's gonna take A LOT of time...but I'm okay with that!!!

I'm PROUDLY sharing this on:

Show & Tell Friday @ My Romantic Home
Open House Thursday @ No Minimalist Here


  1. I happen to love your house too! I think it is beautiful, I have an old heritage house...wanna trade! lol My old house always has endless things that need my attention and pocket book, but I love my place too. Diane

  2. i LOVE it!!!!! i love love love love love it! i would move there in a HEARTbeat!!!! so white. so lovely. so nice and simple and small. i LOVE it!

  3. Well, I totally agree, your home has charm! And I love that! I am a lover of old homes. I don't like all the cookie cutter McMasions. They all look the same and are pretty much decorated the same inside. They are very pretty and would make lovely "model homes" to show to people but, they don't feel like home!

  4. Oh, and I am your newest follower!

  5. I like your house too! I like an older home much better than newer ones - they are usually built better and have a lot more character. You have a great yard, too. We live in Az where grass in virtually non existent so I love to see the rolling green grass.

    I know how you feel though - I love our house but it's pretty small and older but we have done a lot since we moved in 12 years ago to make it our own. We don't have a grand foyer or high ceilings (although I am ok w/ that since it helps keep the elec bills down) or even a 2nd story but it's okay.

    I would love to see your inside - will peruse your blog to see what I can find. :)

  6. I think your home is so charming and holds the kind of character the new houses just don't have! Your home sits on beautiful property too! I love your home and it reminds me so of my aunt's home where I spent many hours playing with my cousins and running all around the yard! Now I wanna come it! :)
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  7. I think you home is charming, and has a wonderful yard. You will have fun and memories putting your on stamp and personality into it. Remember, it is the love inside that is the most important thing!

  8. I think your house is wonderful...such an adorable cottage with all of the charm that no modern house can possibly have.

  9. Beautiful the screened in porch. Your home has far more charm than any McMansion could ever have.

  10. I agree w/many other comments....your home is so very charming. xoxo, tracie

  11. I think it´s adorable... but needs lots of roses!!!
    hugs from Chile

  12. I love your house! It screams potential! You have a lovely sized yard and I love the garage and screened in porch! All it takes is time and money, both which are in short supply these days!

  13. Your home is as sweet as pie and I bet you'll be making tons of memories making her YOURS !

    thanks for making me feel like I'm not the only one !


  14. I, too, love your house. I will never have a McMansion either, but eventually you will get everything decorated as "Yours" and that is worth a lot. Your house sits on a beautiful lot, and you can make your own mark on that too. AND you and all of us will enjoy the blogging process too.

  15. Add me to the list of those who love your house. It is similar to a house that I spent my first 8 yrs in...back in the 50's. When I am back in the town, I like to drive down the street and see if the house is still there. (Yes, thankfully). Trying to keep up with the McMansions is gotten a lot of people in financial trouble. We built our "dream house" 24 yrs ago, but nothing like a McMansion. It is a house with what we wanted. Now that the mortgage is paid off & retirement is here, we are living comfortably before we are too old to appreciate it. Love your house & enjoy doing it like you want it, as you can!
    Beckie in Brentwood, TN


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