Friday, August 19, 2011


Okay, so did I ever tell you guys that I love animals?  Well, okay maybe not animals like your thinking...I love animal print in my decor...especially LEOPARD's exotic....chic...and truly goes with just about anything...okay that is probably just my OPINION but let me run with this...will ya...

Alternate Design Asia

...a long time ago I decided that I was going to decorate my master bedroom all WHITE with a splash of pink roses...kind of like a Jo-Anne Coletti style room...surprisingly the hubs said he was "OKAY" with this extremely feminine/romantic style for our master bedroom if that's what I wanted...

Jo-Anne Coletti
Vintage Rose Collection

...I have ATTEMPTED this look but it is just not working...the problem is my's NOT white, it's mahogany...and the hubs is NOT going to let me paint it...I've BEGGED, pleaded, cried, fixed his favorite meal...NOPE, not gonna my dream of an all white room is over...DRATS...

...since then I have been RACKING my brain for an idea of just what to do in this room...I want something light and airy but it's gonna have to go with MAHOGANY furniture...that's when I spotted a remnant of a light colored leopard print fabric at my favorite thrift shop...I absolutely LOVE leopard print and that got me to thinking (I'm standing there gazing of into space, mind churning and then it hit me)...what would cream walls, my existing white duvet set and leopard print sheets and....of mahogany furniture look like together...

...what do YOU all think about that combination?...think it will WORK? 

...I set out in search of some inspiration pics but have not found anything remotely similar...however, I did DREAM room...all white and leopard print....ahhhhhhhhhh, I'm in love...I want it.....but there's one hitch....I NEED WHITE FURNITURE...wouldn't ya know it!

...I would also need a LOT of cash...since this set is Ballard Designs...but don't you just love the soft light leopard print fabric...and the fringed BURLAP's to DIE for...this room just brings out the ANIMAL in me...I love it...

...anyway, I would love to hear your opinion on how you think mahogany furniture, white duvet, leopard print sheets and cream colored walls would look in my master bedroom...I also thought of making white cotton drapes with leopard print trim for the windows...Let me know what you think...SERIOUSLY....can't wait to hear from ya.

Joining Open House Thursday


  1. Hi Sheila, I love the comforter set from Ballard's and you should be able to find something similar for much less. I think the leopard print would look great with the white duvet and mahogany furniture. Debbie @ Common Ground has a party where you can submit pictures and info on the look you are trying to achieve and other bloggers will give suggestions. Might be fun to hear what others say. Thanks for joining the Open House party.

  2. Sheila,
    You didn't say how much mahogany furniture you have. Can you move it to another room and get some used furniture and start from scratch. I just bought $200 worth of Annie Sloan chalk paint and supplies. You wouldn't believe how easy it is to paint furniture this way. I am hooked and can't wait to paint my end tables and coffee table. Here is a website that will get you started if you want:

    All the best,


  3. Is the fringe bedskirt "natural" color or the "ivory" color from Ballard? Ordering the same duvet for my daughter's cream bedroom furniture! Thanks!

  4. Thank you for sharing such great information.
    It has help me in finding out more detail about portico comforters


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