Monday, September 19, 2011


Happy Monday y'all...Hope you had a wonderful weekend...ours here in Missouri was COOL and RAINY...typical fall weather...I think the cooler temps and rain has started a little EARLY this year but that has not detoured me from getting a few things done around the house...

You might remember how I posted a while back about gearing up to paint the house exterior...well, I didn't get that done (we are going to have a hire a professional after all for that)...BUT I did get one job done...THE DOOR IS BLUE NO MORE...

still needs one more coat, but it's gotta stop raining first it is a BRIGHT, SHINY, WELCOMING RED...and just in time for fall...don't you just love it?  I do!!!

a little peak at the BEFORE...

...well, sort of...I forgot to take a pic BEFORE I started sanding...I HATE when I do that!  I am always forgetting my before shots...I guess I just get in too much of a HURRY to get things done...

...notice what color it was before it was blue?...Yes, that's right, it was...RED...I guess at one time this old house had a classic red door thingy going on...did you also notice the pediment (architectural detailing) around the door...isn't it just absolutely GORGEOUS?..just one of the many things about this old house I fell in LOVE with...

What a HUGE improvement!!!

I'm joining these linky parties.  I would love it if you would stop by each of these fabulous parties and see what everyone's up to. 

Between Naps on the Porch for Met Monday
"Fall in Love with your Home" @ Decor to Adore
Wow Us Wednesdays @ Savvy Southern Style
Have a fabulous day!!!

NOTE:  I was asked by an anonymous commenter for the brand and color I chose for this door.  I was going to include those details when publishing this post but my mind drew a blank so I left it out.  However, for all of you who are interested, it is Apple-a-Day by Olympic Paints in semi-gloss.  I got it at Lowe's.  It does look pinkish in color in the can and when applying it, but it does dry a nice deep red.


  1. I love your red door. We painted ours Red last Nov. and have loved it everyday!!!!!

  2. I just painted my door red too! I love it. Great looks fantastic!!

  3. Lovely door :) pops up even more in red!

  4. Lovely! What color/brand paint did you use?

  5. It makes a wonderful statement, and I also love the pediment.

  6. Red she said. Love, love, love it! Thank you so much for linking up.

  7. Thank you for the color information!


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