Friday, September 23, 2011


Well it's OFFICIAL...fall is finally here...I thinks it's here to stay too...our weather has certainly been cooler and more rainy than it usually is in September...most years our fall weather doesn't start until early to mid October's the weather been where you live?

Anyway, I'm really glad fall is here...I have finally started my fall decorating and it is going well...I'm almost finished and I hope to have pictures ready for you by Monday...and (as if you haven't noticed)...I have FALL-I-TIZED my blog a little too...

Today, I have a little thrifty fall find to share with you...

Aren't the colors just wonderful....and look at all it's rustic just SCREAMS fall...

I had been looking for a large piece of art for my fall mantle...I stumbled upon this at a local thrift store the other was only $'s a little more rustic than what I had envisioned, as I am kind of going for a more refined look, but I think it will work just fine...

I'm linking up to Thrifty Things Friday party over at the Thrifty Groove...pop on over and see what everyone is up to.

Have a fabulous day!!!


  1. What a fabulous find! I adore the colors.

    How I wish I could paint. My house is an open floor plan. As with most Southwest homes, the walls are adobe style which means that the corners are rounded. So if you paint one space you simply HAVE to paint the next. That factor coupled with 20 foot high ceiling means hiring a professional. Quotes are around $3,000. Gulp.

  2. Great vintage find. If I recall correctly that is a Home Interiors picture from the mid 1970's. I remember it. Thank you for joining TTF and ahve a great day.


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