Wednesday, October 12, 2011


The leaves have finally turned, changing the countryside into a colorful tapestry of reds, golds, oranges, greens and browns...the fragrance of fallen leaves fills the air as if to say, come lay down and enjoy nature's blanket...excitement abounds as children anxiously await a trip to the pumpkin patch and to snuggle in for a hayride...cider is brewing on an open fire and s'mores are in the making.  WELCOME FALL!!!

Hello all you bloggers out there.  Have you been enjoying fall so far?  I have! My only complaint is that I have a day job and don't get as much time as I would like outdoors to enjoy this beautiful time of year...nonetheless, life is good and I am EATING it up...

In early spring I found a table scarf at one of the thrift stores here in town and I just knew it would be GREAT on a fall table.  I have been waiting PATIENTLY all year for autumn to arrive so I could use it in a tablescape...

The tag on the scarf says "Made in Italy" is simply beautiful and I was blessed enough to have gotten it for a dollar...the center of this scarf boasts a beautiful fall bounty of corn, nuts, apples, pears, grapes, leaves and other harvested items...

I paired this beautiful black and creamy white scarf with PB--Emma dinnerware...the leafy stemware is from Dollar Tree...and the bubble rimmed water glasses were from the antique mall here in town...those are my FAVORITE and they coordinate well with the dotted rim on the dinnerware...

The centerpiece boasts a bowl of walnuts freshly harvested and gives guests a hint as to what's on the menu...Crisp, white battenburg lace trimmed napkins, tucked gently into the stemware, steal the show...inviting guests to come and dine at this black tie affair...

Candlelight and music set the mood...

Tonight's fare includes a crisp garden salad followed by Walnut Crusted Pork Loin with Apple Maple Reduction and mashed sweet potatoes topped with cinnamon and brown sugar...a holiday worthy meal...but easy enough for any night of the week.

California Walnut-Crusted Pork Loin with Apple Maple Reduction 


Joining Susan and a whole bunch of other talented ladies for Tablescape Thursday over at BNOTP.  Pop on over and feast on everyone's lovely tablescapes. 

Also partying over at The Thrifty Groove for Thrifty Things Friday. Stop on by and see everyone's thrifty finds.


  1. Well, I shouldn't have read through your post just before lunch - Your dinner looks delcious! and what a sophisticated table. So glamourous and I just love the tiny white pumpkin.

  2. Pretty table topper...your meal has me salivating!

  3. Pretty table -- I have always liked the PB Emma. It really makes an elegant table.

  4. This is really creative -- love the Emma china!


  5. I don't know which is better, the scarf or the food? Love them both. I have been eyeing my oversized scarves with tablescaping in mind. Nice pumpkins on candlesticks too.

    Robin Flies South

  6. How pretty and elegant for fall. Love the centerpiece.

  7. Prettylicous.

    Wow! another inspiration for me. scarf? That's new in my settings. TY a bunch.


  8. I agree with Robin - which is better? gorgeous table scarf or your tasty food?

  9. That table scarf is stunning - and only a dollar - that is stunning as well.


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