Monday, November 28, 2011


Sadly, I only have a few pictures of last year's Christmas, and those were only of the tree and mantle in the living room...You are getting to see the "best" shot...(pre-blogging days here, not a very good photographer)

I shouldv'e taken pictures of the dining room tree(s) and decorations.  They were gorgeous...White and white decorations...elegant and dreamy...but no I only got a picture of the main tree in it's not so great glory...

Now, my husband insisted on colored he does just about every being the loving wife I always am, I let him have his way...but, we had a problem...notice the unlit spot on the lower left...yep, half strand of lights went out a few days after putting this baby up...what, that's never happened to you?...and I was NOT going to take it apart for just a few lights and so there you have it....Christmas past...

I promise this year is better as I have changed things up a bit...stop back by later this week for a full run down of Christmas 2011...

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