Wednesday, January 4, 2012


Happy New Year everyone!!....Yeah, I know I'm a few days late...but better late than never, right?  So how did you ring in the new year?  I rung in the new year at church with my immediate family and my church family...we had a great time fellowshipping and playing games...there is no better way to start a new year than with the one's you love by your side.

I also started the new year by getting rid of the Christmas decor and setting up a few fresh new know "out with the old and in with the new"...I haven't decided what to put in these jars yet...just thought they looked good here...what would you put in them?...any ideas?  I would love to hear 'em...

A somewhat new look for the buffet...I'm glad the Christmas tree is gone...I really like the SPARSENESS of everything now...although I love holiday decorations, they seem to make things so cramped and cluttered.

I also managed to get one of the projects on the list for my master bedroom redo done over the long weekend..."HIS" and "HERS" framed prints...

I found two large matching, matted frames at a local thrift store...spray painted them (hammered metal brown)...took out the old prints and flipped them over...glued leopard print fabric to the backside...made the "HIS" and "HERS" on the computer in Scriptina font and printed them out...then I glued them to the centers of the leapard print and reinserted everything back into the frames...I placed the "HIS" one over the side of the bed where my husband sleeps and the "HERS" sign over the side of the bed where I sleep...CUTE, EASY and CHEAP!!

Okay, now onto to something I don't like to talk about so much...RESOLUTIONS...

Have you made any new year's resolutions yet?  I am typically one that steers clear of resolutions...that's probably because I usually break most of them within the first two weeks of the year...I know, I know, I'm HORRIBLE!!!...It's not that I can't stick with a diet long enough to lose weight, or make other long term adjustments to certain areas of my just seems that when the PRESSURE is really on to do something of that nature, I REBEL...and instead of losing weight, I gain or do exactly the opposite of what I set out to do...are you like that? 

This year; however, I have decided to make a resolution or two...well, THREE to be exact...and I am sharing them know so they are in writing...for some reason when things are in writing they seem so much more important to me and I tend to follow through better....also I find it helps to inform others of my puts someone in place for me to be accountable to...sort of like a support group kind of thing.  This year I have decided to work on making some changes to three specific areas MIND, BODY and here goes...

I will start with the most important first:
  • SOUL---I would like to have a more indepth relationship with God this order to have that, I need to devote more time to daily prayer and bible study...I need to faithfully fast at least one day a week and faithfully participate in family alter (family prayer night).

  • MIND--I want to increase my intellect this year, perhaps learn a new trade or hobby...I would like to take a night class or two...perhaps a photography class, cake decorating class, or a refresher computer course just something to keep my mind sharp and expand my knowledge for something new.

  • BODY--Of course, I would like to lose a significant amount of weight this year (yes, I know this is on EVERYONE'S resolution list) however, for health reasons I must make this one work...but instead of setting a specific weight loss goal such as 50 pounds, I am deciding to just make some changes to my eating habits...(NOT DIETING) know lifestyle changes...
                                                 -- drink more water
                                                 -- abstain from fast food
                                                 -- limit soda intake
                                                 -- limit sweet/snack intake
                                                 -- take a brisk walk daily (15-30 minutes)
                                                 -- eat more fresh fruits and vegies
                                                 -- eat only lean meats
                                                 -- abstain from fried foods

Though the holidays have set me back a little, I had already changed my eating habits somewhat over the past several months and have lost around 15 pounds.  I just need to tweak things a bit to ensure continued progress.

Over all I just want to make some improvements to these areas...I may not follow through completely but any amount of improvement is still improvement and that's good enough for me...Wish me luck!!

What do you have planned for 2012?

I am sharing this at these fabulous parties...

Wow Us Wednesday @ Savvy Southern Style
Rock N Share @ The Shady Porch
Tabletop Tuesday @ A Stroll Thru Life
Open House Thursday @ No Minimalist Here
Share Your Creation @ Kristens Creations
Thrifty Things Friday @ The Thrifty Groove
Show & Tell Friday @ My Romantic Home

For a complete list of the places I party and share my posts...see the "LET'S PARTY" list on my sidebar...stop by these parties for a PEEK at what everyone is up to...mingle a little, get to know everyone...leave some comments and be sure to become someone's follower....

PS...If you like what you see here become a follower.  Also, subscribe to BTP by email...there is a link set up at the bottom of my home page to do this...simply enter your email address and hit the "submit" button...then every time I publish a new post you will receive it in your inbox...EASY. 


  1. Everything is looking good. Love the His/Her frames. I on the eating better gig also. Went shopping yesterday and got all good stuff and I am going to walk more! Good luck, we all need it! Have a wonderful day.

  2. Oh eating less and better, plus exercising more is definitely on my list too. Your vignettes are all lovely, Thanks for joining TTT. Hugs, marty

  3. I love your framed prints...Popped on over as I am your "neighbor" at Savvy Southern's Wow Us Wednesday!

  4. I love your His and Hers prints, Sheila! I love projects like that, too!

  5. Your vignettes look wonderful. And I just love the signs! I may have to give those a try when I find two matching frames. Great goals to set for the new year! Thank you for joining TTF last week! I hope you are having a great day!


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