Tuesday, February 7, 2012


Hey y'all, hows your day goin'? I've missed ya terribly...again, I haven't had much time for posting lately...it seems LIFE has been happening and keeps taking me away from getting very many chances to even get on the internet, let alone do any blogging, but things should slow down soon...

The marriage retreat is less than two weeks away now and I have been working feverishly to get everything together to decorate for the event...I've been up to my elbows in making and hemming table scarves and flower arrangements for the tables...since the conference room is in creams and browns and since I want a somewhat feminine and masculine feel, I decided to go with browns and reds for my color scheme...The theme is "Marriage, It's Forever"...I've been playing around trying to come up with some vignettes to set up in the conference room as well...

I found a couple matching frames, added some leopard print fabric and "Mr." & "Mrs"...threw them together with a candle, fringed tablescarf and some roses...I am working on the floral for behind the prints...most likely will be adding some roses...

I have also put together a little vignette with the cutest picture my pastor's wife found at a local thrift shop...

Sorry for the glare on the glass.  Taking pictures at night is a BAD idea!!! 

It has helped to take pictures though...it has helped me to see what I still need and also to see some tweaking I need to do...isn't it funny how when you look at a photograph you see things that you miss when things are in plain sight...doing this little experiment at home is going to help me big time when it's time to set these up for the conference.  I can see now the things I need to tweak and yes, I have a LOT of tweaking to do!!!...Plunking a few roses and grasses into a vase will never do, and neither will an empty glass vase...of course I knew that but those are the things I had on hand at the time...I will be fixing up a much better floral and I need SOMETHING to fill the glass vase...

Empty vase, NO GOOD!!!  That brings me to the question, what should I fill it with? Faux diamonds, candy hearts, red hots, coffee beans? What would you do? What would you fill it with? What other changes would you make to these vignettes? Should I add a bow or embellishment to the vase?  I would love your input and hear your ideas.

Sharing at:

Tabletop Tuesday @ A Stroll Thru Life
Wow US Wednesday @ Savvy Southern Style
Rock N Share @ The Shady Porch
Show & Tell @ Mrs. Hines Class
Open House Party @ No Minimalist Here


  1. Sweet vignettes! I totally LOVE your Mr. & Mrs. Signs!! We have GREAT taste, don't we!!! I'm excited to be your newest follower! XO, Aimee

  2. Wow you have some great finds!!! Stopping by to let you know that I am giving you the Versatile Blogger Award...wahoo!!! Just drop by 21 Rosemary Lane to pick it up! Also check out the bottom of the post for my giveaway...it's a tote bag from 31 Gifts!

    Congratulations and have a great day!

  3. I love your vignettes! Your house is ADORABLE! I am now a new follower of your blog! I can't wait until I have time to read more. Thank you so much for stopping by my blog and commenting! (And those stripes are THE boldest thing I have ever done when decorating. It was scary. And liberating! Glad you liked it!)

  4. Looking good! You are doing a good job of blending masculine and feminine. I really love the Mr. and Mrs. signs. How did you ever find a picture of your pastor's wife at a thrift store...that's incredible.
    Thanks so much for taking the time to share at Show & Tell.

    Sharon @ mrs. hines class


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