Monday, March 5, 2012


When we were in the market for a new house in 2010, I had asked my real estate agent for a tour of the house we now call home.  She said "Oh Sheila, you really don't want to see THAT home, do you?"  I said,  "Yes, I do want to see THAT home."   She said "Okay, but I need to warn you that the previous owners were VERY colorful and some of their color choices might shock you."  I said, "no biggy, paint is cheap and anything can be repainted to suit us."...However I had no idea what I was in for.  When I walked through the door of our home for the first time I thought, "This isn't bad.  I don't know what she is talking about.  Yes, this place does need a fresh coat of paint, but it's not like hideous or anything", then I turned the corner... 

and was blinded by....

PEPTO BISMOL PINK!!!  Boy was she right, the previous owners sure were colorful...the stairwell...the very tall, very large stairwell and the landing at top...PEPTO BISMOL PINK, ceiling and all.

What's worse is there was apparently only one coat of this Pepto Pink applied because you could still see hints of another color underneath...even worse still is that I have been living with this for almost a year and a half now.  Why, because the thing is so blasted high.

From the bottom of the stairs to the ceiling is at least 20 feet high and let's just say this fat girl and ladders and heights just don't mix.  If it's higher than my 4 foot step ladder will take me, I don't go there!!!. LOL   So I begged the help of the hubs, and that's why it has taken a year and a half to get this done.  He HATES painting!  However, to my surprise, he is an EXCELLENT painter.  I never knew!

I did the landing at the top of the stairs (everything you see in the collage above), and had paint all over me at the end of the day which is my usual custom.  I just don't figure I've painted or done a good job unless I am wearing a little (or a lotta) paint. Ha!!  Hubs did the entire stairwell floor to ceiling (everything you saw before the collage above), without the help of a ladder (he used an extend-a-handle roller), and didn't get a single drop of paint on himself or anywhere else.  GO FIGURE.  I guess I should have been having him doing all my paint jobs for the past 21 years.   So there you go honey, a pat on the back, bloggy style.  Thanks babe I really appreciate your help!  (Just had to put in a plug for my sweet man there, hope ya don't mind).



Some before and afters...

The paint color we chose...Beige Buckhorn in satin from, where else...WAL-MART.  Yes, Wal-Mart DOES have good paint.  I have been using it for years without a problem and it only took two coats to cover this pink.  Which is what it would have taken with any other brand as well.  Yes, even BM or Sherwin Williams.  That is unless you use kilz or another primer, in which case you are still putting on two coats.  Just one is primer and one is paint.  Either way, same amount of work!  Besides Colorplace paint from Wal-mart is less than half the price of most other paints.  (Just my little diddy for good ol' Wal-Mart). 

So there you have it, a real metamorphasis.  Ha, I'm soooo happy to finally be rid of that pink!!!!  Now I'm gearing up to decorate this stairwell and landing.  I have a few things in mind that I hope to share with you soon so STAY TUNED. 

Sharing this with Susan at Between Naps on the Porch for Metamorphasis Monday and these these other fabulous places...Savvy Southern Style, Coastal CharmNo Minimalist Here, Mrs. Hines Class, The Shady Porch, My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia


  1. Nice job! Looks very fresh and airy.

  2. What a wonderful change. Our upstairs houses three bedrooms and 2 kids and the walls are mauve and I have yet to change them.

  3. Wow - this is such a good change. Cannot imagine why anyone would paint the stairway/landing that color, but at least now it's looking wonderful! Great job by spouse - they are usually quite handy.

  4. What a difference! I can't wait to re-do our own stairway. So much to do, so little time!
    I just linked a before and after as well. The feeling of completing a project is priceless.

  5. You are right... what a metamorposis! Love your color choices. The spaces look so clean and fresh. What a great hubby you have, too. Thanks for sharing.


  6. Now the space looks so open and airy. I love that the wood on the stairwell stands out so nicely with the new paint color. I'm glad to hear your review on the Walmart paint. I get tired of spending so much money on paint...which is why it takes me so long to get around to starting paint jobs.
    Thank you for sharing this beautiful metamorphosis at Show & Tell!

    Sharon @ mrs. hines class

  7. I love the new color! The old one--not so much-haha. I can't believe you lived with it as long as you did! (Says the girl with green paneling in my kitchen--for 12 yrs now!)


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