Thursday, June 21, 2012


Hey's me...remember me?... Yes, I know it's been like forever since I've posted anything...seems like I've been busy living life and haven't had much time for blogging. SORRRRRRRY.  I hope you'll still be my friend.  There hasn't been much going on around the house.  I have made a few changes to the dining room that I want to EVENTUALLY show you, but it's going to be a while yet....Oh and yes, I am still agonizing over what to put in my newly acquired cloche.  I think I have finally decided on something and will be showing that to you soon...until then, I thought I would show you...

a few new thrifty finds...okay, well their not new...I've had them for a few months now...yes, I said MONTHS and I am finally getting around to posting about them.

These were STEALS, I tell you...I found this LARGE mirror 20x24 for $2.00 at a local agape house (christian thrift store) was still in the box and never used.  The hardware hadn't even been attached yet.   YAY,  score one for the good guys!!!  I also found this chandy there for $4.00...I figured it would be perfect for my bedroom.  I am going to do a little something with the shades...when and if I ever get off my bum and do it...then I will have my handy dandy hubs hang it for me...I will do my best...pinky swear post about it when it's finished.

The mirror has already been painted and hung in the bubs room...which I am trying to make more progress on...and will show it to y'all when it's finished...yeah, that'll probably be when summers over and things slow down around don't hold your breath or anything...I wouldn't want y'all passing out with anticipation or anything...

In other news...okay, not really news...I just wanted to show a few pics of the bubs.  He is always wearing strange clothes and other things to make us he is with some funny glasses on...face (and clothes) all messy and posing for pics...

 I added this one because I thought it was cool....the headless ghost...bahahahaha...

Awww, he's precious isn't he...HAHAHA

Next up...fisherman Dan...well his names not Dan but you know we gotta keep the identity of our family members under wraps...shhhh, it's a witness protection program thingy...LOL

He has been fishing nearly every night of the spring and summer and has been catching LOTS of fish...We already had a huge fish fry....need I say more...

Adventures in boating...

The hubs made plans to take me on a boat ride...okay it was more like a fishing trip...should've saw that one coming...haha

The bubs and I were already off the boat and waiting to head home...but then (as always) hubs had a little trouble loading the boat.  (Notice the time lapse in the lighting of the pics)

It's just barely dusk...heading out

and around...

coming in for the landing...

nope...that didn't work...

sun setting....heading out again...

coming around....AGAIN...

okay, comin' in for the landing...

sadly...he didn't get it that time either...but it got too dark to take pictures after this...SHUCKS!!! took four (or five) tries before he got the boat the end he had to go swimming to get the boat on the trailer right...beautiful sunset though...don't you think!  HAHAHA.

Later we found out, the wheel thingy on the trailer wasn't working right and that's why he couldn't get the boat loaded right...(so he says)...but you know come to think of it...every stinkin' time I go on the boat something like this happens...the last boat ride I took...the ride on our ski almost sank...the time before that...stranded on the lake for four hours and had to be towed in...I was burnt to a crisp (the kids had the sunscreen back at camp)...I think boating is just NOT for me...though I do enjoy it!

Well that's all for today...I hope to be back soon with some house talk stuff...but there's a lot more summer left to enjoy so...CIAO...for now!

Sharing at:  Treasure Hunt Thursday @ From My Front Porch To Yours

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