Friday, August 3, 2012


Hey friends, how the heck are ya?  Me, oh thanks for asking, I have been EXTREMELY busy.  Busy reupholstering my living room furniture.  You might remember my little teaser...


I'm finally done!!!...Well, with the loveseat anyway...Yes, I decided to bite the bullet and reupholster.

While everyone seems to be using the slipcover method of refreshing their furniture, I knew that would NOT be a good solution for me.

I am one of those people who cannot stand wrinkles or for things to look messy which is what happens with slipcovers refresher of choice was to completely reupholster.  Using none other than painters canvas drop cloth.

This was the cheapest way to reupholster the sofa and loveseat will only set me back around $120.00 verses around $600.00 or more for upholstery or furniture grade fabric.  Besides the furniture was already an off-white color so painters drop cloth was the perfect solution to keeping it as close to original as possible...with one exception...I like the look of painters drop cloth even better...especially with nail head trim...which by the way was easier (hence the reason I did it) than trying to do the hidden panel approach...

Now, I will say that it would have been WAY easier and a lot nicer to just go out and purchase a whole new living room outfit, but that was just not in the works.  Times are tight and our budget is too.  There is simply NO money for these types of purchases!!!  So reupholstering was a must...

BTW and FYI...the white liner fabric here was the inside lining of an unused
bed's perfect lining material!!  This is folded over so it's doubled.

The old stuff had seen better days. It had been cleaned one too many times and there were now holes....yes, I said the cushion covers from pesky little kids that kept digging and pulling at frayed strings in the fabric over washing them.

Not to mention there were stains that could no longer be overlooked.

It was getting downright embarrassing to have guests over to the house...

Truthfully though, I can't complain.  We have had this furniture for almost 7 years and it was used when we got it.  It is very good furniture (Hillcraft) and very COMFORTABLE which was another reason to redo it...and though I am not an upholstery professional, I think it turned out great FABULOUS...

This loveseat took me a whole month of Saturdays to get done...that's 4 Saturdays....4 WHOLE Saturdays (which are the only free days I have) to get this baby done...

Ah, so nice, so fresh, so CLEAN.............LOVE!!!!  So much cleaner and prettier than the couch (see the couch cushion edge in this picture, nasty!!!)

There were times when I was thinking...WHY? WHY, did I think I could possibly be an upholsterer...oh, why?  There were some parts of this job that were VERY DIFFICULT...however, I learned how to do it and with a lot of patience and....probably a little FIT throwing....hahaha...I managed to get it the BIG ONE...the sitting there staring at me...taunting me and saying, "ha, don't you wish you would've started with me first?"  "I'm BIG and BAD and I am going to give you FITS"  "Just wait, you'll wish you had started with me first,  muhahaha!!!"...

Muhahaha, come and get me, I'm WAITING!!!, Muhahaha!!!

But I think I can safely say, I learned from my mistakes on the loveseat and I don't think the sofa will be as time consuming or difficult....hopefully!!!  PRAY FOR ME!!!  Hahahahaha

Anyway, how about you...would you tackle a job like this?  Would you use painters drop cloth?  Would you slipcover or reupholster, or would you just go out and buy new furniture?  I would love to hear your thoughts on this...

Sharing at:

Metamorphasis Monday @ BNOTP
Inspiration Friday @ The Picket Fence
Tuesday's Treasures @ My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia
Potpourri Friday @ 2805
Treasure Hunt Thursday @ From My Front Porch to Yours
Open House Thursday @ No Minimalist Here
Wow Us Wednesday @ Savvy Southern Style
Grace at Home @ Imparting Grace
Nifty Thrifty Tuesday @ Coastal Charm
Before & After Party @ Thrifty Decor Chick
What's It Wednesday @ Ivy & Elephants


  1. Hi Sheila, Great job and the loveseat looks fabulous! Thanks for sharing your upholstery project at the Open House party.

  2. You did a great job on this project! I know I'd much rather reupholser than make a slipcover. The wrinkles and shifting would bother me.

  3. that looks amazing! you kept it so clean and polished!

  4. Oh my such a great job.. I so need to learn to sew... I sew a little but never made this type of project. Hugs, Cindy

  5. WOW! Good for you! I have a chair that needs to be re-covered, and honestly I thought it would look good covered in drop cloth fabric! But I'm not sure I could tackle it myself. You did a great job!

  6. I can't believe you did that yourself. It is beautiful. Your post is so inspirational. I would love it if you could share this wonderful post at our WIW linky party. I hope you can join us.


  7. I've been thinking about upholstering my downstairs couch OR painting it. Not I'm thinking the drop cloth would be great! Of course, now I need to learn how... :)

  8. WOW! You did such an amazing job, thanks for linking up.

  9. Wow! What a job. I am impressed.

    The words about the tools I spoke of on Monday are hi lighted with a different color. You just click on the words and it takes you to the web site where they are sold.

  10. Quite an accomplishment, and a lovely one, too! I don't look forward to doing it, but to having it finished. Did you make your seat cushions removable for washing? I think I'm definitely doing that. Thanks for this encouraging post!


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