Friday, October 26, 2012


Okay, I know it's been a long time ohhhh say 3 MONTHS...but remember when I painted my back door black (and the front door too) with my left over paint? I said then that I got rid of the old cafe curtains that were hanging there and that I had a special window treatment up my sleeve that I would be showing to you SOON...soon was not exactly the right word to use as, wellllllll...I AM A PROCRASTINATOR...okay not really.  I finished this cute window treatment the very weekend after painting the door...

So why haven't you seen it before now....cough, cough....Uhhh, it has taken me this long to get a decent picture of it....and this is not even a good one...the dumb thing just don't want it's picture taken I guess.

This was a super fun project (though somewhat time consuming) and turned out really cute.  I simply used good ol' clear contact paper purchased from Wal-Mart for around $4.00 for a huge roll.  I measured my windows and cut a piece of contact paper just the right size for each window.  I then used different size lids to make circles on my pieces of contact paper.  I cut the circles out which left the pieces of contact paper looking much like swiss cheese.  I then placed one piece on each window.  (The trick to getting the contact paper in place right since it is "sticky", is to spray the entire window with Windex and then place the paper.  The Windex makes it "slippery" so that you can get the paper in place before it sticks.  Then you simply wipe the excess Windex away with paper towels).  Once I had the "swiss cheese" in place, I filled in the "holes" with a little bit smaller circles, slightly off centered, to make the appearance of bubbles.  Why bubbles?  Well, since the door leads to the laundry room (the basement), I thought "bubbles" on the glass would be fitting.

So you might be asking, "What about privacy?".  That's easy!  Even though the contact paper says it's "clear" it has somewhat of an opaqueness to it which makes it look remarkably like frosted glass and gives me the privacy I need. Believe me, you CANNOT see through this stuff.  Thank God because I definitely don't want any strangers (or friends) peeking into my horrid laundry room.  It's a scary place right now!  

So what do you think, do you like my "bubbles" window treatment?  Cute huh?

Sharing at:

At The Picket Fence


  1. How fun is this. I love the idea. I really need to do something similar to my side panels on the front door. Love the bubbles. Hugs, marty

  2. Wow a decor door but it could be nice to use frosted glass inside your bathroom. Try it!

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