Friday, March 15, 2013


Happy spring everyone!  Well it's not officially spring yet, but we can pretend, cant' we?  It's supposed to get up to about 70 degrees in my neck of the woods today, so it's not going to be very hard for me to pretend that spring has arrived.  Ahhhhh SPRING....I LOVE YA!!!

So, not to change the subject or anything, but do you all love PINTEREST or what?  I finally opened a Pinterest account a few weeks ago (long story as to why I have waited so long but I will spare you the details).  Anyway, I LOVE PINTEREST.  What a great place to keep all your decorating ideas, recipes, craft ideas, DIY projects...well basically anything and everything you like, organized and easily accessible.  

Recently I have been thinking about spring cleaning and have been pinning cleaning tips and recipes for homemade, all natural cleaners.  Who would've thought that simple things like baking soda and vinegar could do so much.  Not to mention they are completely natural and safe.  They have no harmful toxins which is a plus in my book.  

I have also been pinning some helpful household tips and tricks that I have found across the web.  This morning a friend of mine sent me an email loaded with helpful household tips and travel tips that I thought were Pinterest worthy so I thought I would share them here with all my Pinterest loving friends.  

And....since I know you all want to pin away with ease, I have added a Pinterest button to my blog.  Just run your mouse across the picture you want to pin, click on the large red "P" in the top left corner of the pic and pin away.  It's that easy!  Now onto those tips and tricks I promised...

Well there they are...PIN AWAY my friends, PIN AWAY.

One more thing before I go...if you would like to follow Beyond the Portico on Pinterest search for me under beyondportico (all one word) and you will find me.  My name is Sheila Rodgers.   That's it!  

Have a fantastic day!!!


I LOVE hearing from you...please leave me a comment!