Thursday, May 16, 2013


Hey, how you doin'?  Are you enjoying this fabulous spring weather we have been having.  I am sooooo loving it!

So as you may have heard, we bought some red furniture last week. Admittedly I have been all up in the air about designing my living room around it.  I have never owned ANYTHING red in the way of furniture.  Truthfully, it intimidates me.  It's so bold and so in your face, right? Well, as I mentioned the other day, I turned to Olioboard for a little direction in designing my living room while incorporating my new red furniture.

I heard about Olioboard a long time ago from Rhoda at Southern Hospitality but had never tried it until the other day.   Now I am addicted...IT'S SOOOOO MUCH FUN!!!  It might even be MORE fun than Pinterest...doh, did I really just say that!

In case you have never heard about Olioboard, Olioboard is a free site where you can choose from tons of room backgrounds, furnishings, rugs, fabrics, wallpapers, accessories, etc. to help you design a room in your own style.  You can switch things out until you get the look you want.  I like that idea because for me it means that I won't be randomly buying things and then returning them later because they didn't "WORK" for me.  I can get the full picture of what I want before I buy. It gives me a design game plan and I like that. Besides, like I's just plain right down fun!  Think of it as paper dolls for grown ups only instead of a doll, it's a room and instead of clothes, it's decor.

Now since I have been trying to come up with a game plan of incorporating my new red furniture into my living room and come up with something I can live with, I have designed several rooms using the same two pieces of furniture...A red sofa (the exact one I have) and a tan chair (similar to the recliner we purchased with our red sofa and loveseat) but switching out pillows, rugs, curtains and accessories in each.  Wow, it's totaling amazing the different looks you can get using the same furniture!

Now my problem is that I love all of them and don't know which look I want to use.

Maybe you can help.  Which one do you like?

Contemporary living room 2

In this first one I used a mixture of metals to go along with my existing brass accents.  I also added in a little navy blue, which I love and some animal print, which I also love.

Pattern & Color living room
This one is probably the boldest mixture of color and pattern, but I really like it.  It's bold and alive and has lot of movement.  Very casual and comfortable.

a little bit tropical
Again this one has lots of animal print (which I absolutely adore) and a nice bright green for an accent color.  I love it too.  I love the rug, the curtains and that awesome crab picture.  The seagrass ottoman is great too.

Coastal with Red and Blue

Now we all know that red and navy play so well together so I added a ton of navy in this one.  It's kind of nautical don't you think?  I love it!

Well as I said, I am in a quandary of which design I like best because truthfully I love them all.  Maybe you could help me choose.  Leave me a comment on which one you like best, and...

Do yourself a favor...go to Olioboard and have some fun today.   You deserve it!

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Coastal Charm...Nifty Thrifty Tuesday

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