Tuesday, June 18, 2013


Admittedly, I am normally a hearty eater.  I'm not very picky but tend to choose comfort foods over just about anything.  Pastas, stews, casseroles, etc., etc., etc....but with summer weather in full swing now I have been gravitating toward lighter fare, like lots of salad.

Normally I DO NOT eat anything except for ranch dressing on my lettuce salads...I hate all other salad dressings except for ranch.  I don't like french, I don't like thousand Island and I never even considered something like a vinegar and oil type dressing....They are all BLECH, with a capitol B, if you know what I mean.

I live in a family of "dippers"...not only do we eat ranch on our salads but we dip just about everything you can imagine in ranch dressing...pizza, chicken nuggets...every.thing!  My fault totally.  I will take the blame for my family's addiction and unhealthy eating habits.

But something happened to me a while back.  I tried a vinegar and oil type dressing and guess what....I liked it.  That's HUGE folks....HUGE!!!  My favorite is sundried tomato vinaigrette, though I am trying a few different ones.  I also discovered that I like a little citrus in my salad.  In the past I would have never put oranges on my salad or any other fruit for that matter because, well...ranch and fruit is NOT a good combination.  However, vinegar and citrus is perfect together.  The vinaigrette makes the citrus taste that much sweeter and juicier.  REALLY!  So now I am addicted to this lighter, much healthier salad which I have been eating for lunch nearly everyday.

All you need to make this gorgeous, colorful, FLAVORFUL, healthy salad is...

Dole Classic Romaine salad mix, orange slices and vinaigrette of your choice.  I add a little bit of chopped onion too, ummm...because I like onion about as much as I like ranch dressing, if you know what I mean.  However, my kids didn't inherit my love of onions, lol!

I must say I am really enjoying the warm sunshine that summer has brought my way and I am truly, truly enjoying eating on the lighter side of lunch!


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