Wednesday, August 21, 2013


So, WAAAAAAAY back in June we hired a contractor, Mike Jackson of MJ Roofing, (the best in our area) to put a new roof on the house.  He's a very busy guy and told us that it would probably be the first to middle part of July before he and his crew could get to our house.  Around the middle of July he called and said it would be another few weeks because of the rain we've had this year.  His crew was behind but he thought they would get to our house around the first week of August.  NOT!!!

Well it was nearing the third week of August and there was no new roof and no news either for that matter.  So the hubs called Mike on Monday.  He said, "Oh, I was just getting ready to call you to let you know that we will be out at your place at 6 o'clock Wednesday morning to start on that new roof for you."   I thought to myself, "Oh sure, he's probably just saying that to appease us for now but come Wednesday morning he will call with an excuse as to why he can't make it."

Boy was I wrong!  They showed up PROMPTLY at 6 a.m. this morning and got to work....and man let me just say these guys work FAST.  Before I left for work at 7:20 this morning they were almost done ripping the old stuff off....

Sorry for the blurry, shadowy, sun dappled shot.  This was a drive by from the car window as I was leaving the driveway for work.  Not to mention our house faces West so it doesn't catch the morning sun.  That doesn't make for good pictures but it is good for the guys on this side of the roof.  It's the guys on the back of the house that had sun in their face this morning, LOL.

Oh, by the way, you are seeing for the first time how the house looks after the fresh coat of paint we gave it last fall.  The body is Gray Silt and the trim is Chef White, both are Duramax by Valspar.  I have been waiting to show it to you all because I was wanting to put the finial back up over the door, get the new storm door on and put the new shutters on before I posted a reveal. Those things will be happening soon, so I hope to show a full reveal sometime this fall.

The roofers should be completely finished tomorrow afternoon and I am hoping to get the shutters and door installed this weekend.  Keeping my fingers crossed!   The shingles I chose for the roof are "Rustic Black".  I chose black because it's a classic that will go well with the Gray Silt and Chef White but it will also go good with any other color should we decide to repaint the house in the future.

I will be back first thing next week to let you know how the new roof looks.  I  hope I can show you more, but we will see.  Until then have a fabulous rest of the week and a wonderful weekend.  Ciao!

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