Monday, September 23, 2013


The holidays are just around the corner, are you ready?  I confess....I'M NOT!...but...I WILL be!!!

While all of you have been putting out your gorgeous fall decorations and enjoying this fabulous fall weather we are having, I have been preparing...preparing for the holidays!  I want the house to be in tip top shape by the time Thanksgiving rolls around.  There is sooooo much to do!  So while you spent your weekend soaking in the crisp fall air, I was rolling around on the floor...doing this...

PAINTING TRIM (and a few shelves)!!!  Anybody ever use aluminum foil as a drop cloth?...NO, you're kidding!  I was for sure everybody has. LOL.

I have really been DREADING this job and have put it off for as long as I's just sooooo tedious! The crawling around on the hands and knees, the taping, priming and painting...three coats...and the fact that there is SO MUCH OF IT.  Ugh!!  It seems like there is miles and miles of baseboard, window moldings and door casings, and that's just in the living room, dining room and 2 small hallways.  I don't even want to think about the stairway or upstairs....sigh...

I am done with the dining room.  Got that done a few months back.  It felt good to get that accomplished but I was so sick of doing it and SORE just from that one room that I quite for a while.  Now I am back at it and I WILL be done (with the main floor) by Thanksgiving.  I am going through blue painter's tape like there's no tomorrow, but it will be worth it in the end.

There's nothing that makes the house seem brighter, cleaner, prettier and more holiday ready than freshly painted baseboards and trim. Holidays, HERE I COME!

What are you doing to prepare for the holidays?

1 comment:

  1. It looks amazing. I so need to do mine, Good for you. It really does look fabulous. Hugs, Marty


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