Thursday, December 26, 2013


Merry day after Christmas everyone!

Christmas was somewhat of a blur at our house.  The bubs unwrapped his gifts so fast that I barely had time to snap a few shots...

Yeah, he likes to wear his dad's painting shirt to bed.  Didn't think anything about having to take pictures of him Christmas morning with this on...oops, my bad...

But he wasn't concerned with what he was wearing...He was just SUPER HERO EXCITED!

And well...Sis didn't have but just a few gifts to open, although one of them was REALLLLLLY BIG...

I think the key confused her a little...

but she soon figured out what it was for...

Do you think she liked it?

Vroooom, Varooom...HONK, HONK...taking dad for a ride...I think that's the biggest smile I've ever seen.

Ahhhh, the highlights of Christmas!!!  This is one we won't soon forget.

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