Friday, January 24, 2014


Good day everyone!  It's almost the weekend.  YAY!!!

Before I head home for the weekend let's talk NAIL HEAD TRIM, a new kind of nail head trim.  Well it's not actually nail heads but it is trim and it is perfect for a little nail head trim project I have in mind.

I found this cute Christmas garland today at Dollar General on clearance for just $.25 ea.

At first glance I passed it by because I really don't use this type of Christmas garland but then my little brain said to itself, "Hey that looks like nail head trim.  You could so make something out of that!" so I stopped dead in my tracks and grabbed all they had left (2 pkgs.).  So for $.50 I got 8 foot of "nail head trim".  Just so you know, I will be haunting all the other DG's in the area later this weekend to grab all theirs too, mmwahahaha.  Why? Because I CAN love nail head trim.

Besides I spotted these lovely coral colored boxes with a nail head design, that I absolutely j'adore, at Zgallerie the other day and I totally WANT them!

They would be perfect for my living room, but I am NOT willing to pay the price for them ($69.95). Ridiculous!! So I think a copycat project is in order.

I was thinking about doing a copy cat as soon as I spotted these but I got to thinking that poking lots of little nail heads into thin cardboard boxes would not be the greatest of ideas.  The inside of the box would have little prickly points sticking out EVERYWHERE making them a little unsafe to use.  Not Good!!  The Christmas trim I found will work perfect.  I can just glue each "nail head" in place and there will be no danger of being poked.

PS.  Just in case your interested, DG has all their left over Christmas stuff on clearance for $.25 right now.   You might want to stop by your local store this weekend. You never know, you might find something awesome if you think outside the box a little.


  1. Way to think WAaaaaY outside the box... Great idea...
    I will be on the look out.... (if I can get out of the 10 ft. of snow in my driveway : )

  2. Those are great…I have used the nailhead trim on a roll before and works great…but certainly not at 50 cents!…great find and great idea!


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