Wednesday, February 5, 2014


The snow started falling yesterday morning at about 11:00 a.m.  By noon the boss said to go home.  Yay! It's a good thing because the roads were already horrible.  I figured this little bit of extra free time I gained would be the perfect opportunity to get started on a little copycat project I have been wanting to do so I stopped by the store on the way home and picked up some supplies...I guess the roads weren't that bad, YET...hehe.

Anyway, I have had my eye on this mirror for a long time for above the mantel, but it's EXPENSIVE...

Wildon Home ranges from $180-$350

Kirklands has one similar in a different finish that is somewhat cheaper...$129....

Minogue Mirror--Kirklands

BUT...there is also the problem of size.  Both these mirrors are 40" in diameter which would just barely fit between the two sconces above my mantel.  While I want it to be big, I think it would look somewhat awkward being THAT big.

However, I really, REALLLLLLY want a mirror like this.  My solution....

Make one myself...

One that IS the right size and the right price!

Come back tomorrow afternoon to see how this little copycat DIY madness turns out...

See ya then,

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