Friday, February 14, 2014

Happy Valentines Day & some rooms I LOVE!!!

Happy Valentine's day all.  Have you gotten your sweetie anything SWEET to celebrate this wonderful day? I haven't as of yet.  The hubs doesn't want flowers and can't eat sweets right now (or anything for that matter) as he just had major surgery on his mouth yesterday (I will spare you the gory details). I think I am going to get him a book or something tonight.  He loves to read about as much as I love to decorate so I think a book should be a fitting Valentines Day gift for him.

I didn't want flowers or candy either (on a diet) so he got me the mercury glass lamp I have been crushing on from Lowes. He's soooo sweet! I just love him to pieces!! He had a $10.00 off coupon that was about to expire so he saved some cash as well.  Smart man, isn't he?  I'll show you pics as soon as I take some...PROMISE!!

In the meantime, I thought I would show you a few gorgeous rooms that I LOVE...after all, it is VALENTINES DAY, right?  These are my all time favorite rooms from my "Rooms I Love" Pinterest board.

BTW, if you would like to follow me on Pinterest click this link Follow Me on Pinterest or click the link on my sidebar.  I  have TONS of great pins for you to drool over, including mouth watering recipes, crafts, DIY projects and a bazillion gorgeous inspiration rooms.

Now let's get to loving on a few rooms, shall we...

rooms with two sofas - Google Search
If I could, this is how I would do my living room.  Unfortunately the hubs thwarted my plans to buy white furniture...Some day though, some day...

I can dream, can't I?


This is Yvonne from Stonegable's dining room.  It's larger than mine but I could just picture my dining room looking like this.  I had a Duncan Phyfe style table at one time but unfortunately it was a little too big for the room and the top had some major problems.  Some day though my dining room will look like this!  Of course that will probably be once my eight year old, MESSY, DIRTY HANDED little boy grows up.

Now let's head upstairs, shall we...these stairs...I love me some leopard print...don't you?

animal print stair runner - Google Search

to this gorgeous landing....

Love the composition.

I can just picture this gorgeous dresser (or one like it) and this whole set up perched on the landing, at the top of my leopard print stairs and outside my (this) gorgeous master bedroom...

Greenwich Residence - transitional - bedroom - new york - Tiffany Eastman Interiors, LLC

Be still my heart!!!

Okay, so I know you all must think I am out of my ever loving mind as truly these rooms are not attainable for people like me, with a house like mine, but as I said, I can dream.  Besides, the best, most romantic love stories are played out in our dreams now aren't they?

I say dream big or go home!!  LOL

Anyway, hope you enjoyed sharing in this little romantic Valentines decorating soiree of mine...

Have a fantastic weekend and very sweet, romantic Valentines Day with the one you love.

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