Friday, February 7, 2014


Sorry this post is so late in getting to you.  Just as soon as I was getting ready to hit the publish button this morning the internet went down and has been down ALL day.  It just came back up a few minutes ago...

BUT,  I'm finally happy to be able to say....Houston, we have take off...the internet's a go and the DIY copycat mirror is a go too. Plan B worked...most of it!

Plan B was to add some beads or pearls around the mirror to beef it up and then repaint everything.  I found some long strands of Mardi Gras beads at the resale shop yesterday and glued them around the edge of the mirror. Looks much better than the rope!

I then gave everything a new coat of paint...

I used Rustoleum Metallic in Chrome but this looks more pewter instead of chrome. Then I dry brushed on a little gold metallic in a few places to add some dimension. It's okay I guess, but I really want a silver finish.  I could have bought plain ol' silver spray paint from Wal-Mart but I know from past experience that most of the silver spray paint in our local stores has a bluish tinge which I don't want, and which is why I originally went with brushed nickel and then tried chrome.

As soon as I can get to Lowes or Michaels I plan to pick up some GOOD silver paint and give it a try. Until then I guess I will just have to live with this...

I guess it's not TOO awfully bad....

At least the overall design looks similar to my inspiration mirror...

I might even like mine a tad better because it did not cost me over $200.00.

If you are interested in making one of these for yourself, I hope to post somewhat of a brief tutorial on it soon.  Until then...

Have a fantastic and WARM weekend!!

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