Monday, February 24, 2014


Ugh, it's Monday AGAIN!  Where'd the weekend go?!  It seems we have more Mondays in a week than any other day or that they come around quicker than all the rest, doesn't it?  Did I ever tell you I am not a big fan of Mondays?  Well I'm NOT!  Mondays are least for my family.  We stumble out of bed, grumble about having to get up at the crack of dawn, scramble around to find clothes, shoes, keys, something for lunch and then almost forget to drop the kids off at school.  (Sounds like I need to be more organized, doesn't it?). Not to mention that you nearly get run over, honked at and flipped off by all the other "not in a good mood Sally's" who are running late to work.

So how's your morning been?...or should I even ask?  LOL

I do have some good news today though that might cheer you up...well, it cheers me up.  That good news is...SPRING IS ON IT'S WAY...YAAAY!!, and the two chairs I bought for $40.00 last week came CLEAN.  A bigger YAAAAAAAAY!!.

The one had a HUGE spot on the seat (I didn't get a chance to get a picture of it to show you because the hubs wanted to surprise me and cleaned them after I went to bed Friday night).  Nearly every last spot came out of them thanks to my husband and his miracle cleaners.

They are in perfect condition now!!

Some other good news, I finally snapped a picture of my new mercury glass lamp to show you...

So beautiful!!  I love it!  The Paperwhites and pretty candleholder are Friday night Goodwill finds.  I paid $3.00 for the flowers and $1.99 for the candleholder which happens to be Threshold from Target.  I'm pretty sure I got a good deal on that!

I had one more great weekend find on Saturday which I am super excited about...

I stumbled across this gorgeous gray and cream duvet cover at Salvation Army Saturday that might just be the solution to my bedding dilemma.

It didn't have the shams with it so I almost decided against buying it but I just couldn't pass it up for $5.00. It's like brand new and I figured I could just make or find some plain gray shams to go with it.  However, I won't have to do that because, much to my surprise when laying it out on the bed this morning, it happens to be a King size cover instead of Queen which means that I can cut it down to fit my queen size insert and use the left over fabric to make matching shams. Perfect!  I love those kinds of surprises!!

It's also reversible...

so I am hoping I have enough left over fabric for not only the shams but maybe a cute little striped throw pillow too.  I'm soooo glad I decided to buy this.  I think it's going to be the perfect bedding for my room! YAY!!

Well, I guess Mondays aren't so bad after all.  Have a HAPPY MONDAY everyone!!

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