Wednesday, March 26, 2014


Top of the morning to ya my friends.  What a great day to be alive!  Though it's still chilly downright cold in our neck of the woods, the sun is shining and it looks as if the rest of the week will be boasting Spring temps. I love spring and I don't know about you, but I am ready to get out in the yard and do a little gardening. Better yet I am ready to break out a couple large glasses of Iced Tea and do a little sitting and chatting on the screened porch. Sounds like fun, don't it?  Maybe you can join me.

In the meantime let's talk about some slipcovers I ordered from SureFit.  I ordered a sofa cover and loveseat cover a while back.  They arrived right before leaving for Illinois...

Now I know you might be wondering why I ordered slipcovers since I just got the new furniture in December...

Well, it's like this, we needed to protect the new furniture from the cat who has decided it's her new scratching post. She has not left it alone since it arrived. We have sprayed her with water and we lock her down in the basement when we're gone but, she is relentless and possibly even retarded, because no matter how much we spray her or lock her downstairs she just keeps doing it. Did I ever tell you she was a Nuisance? Fitting name don't ya think?

We were thinking about getting her declawed but I really don't like doing that. I think it's inhumane, but that's me. Besides, buying slipcovers was cheaper than a trip to the vet and it was my opportunity to get the color furniture I have wanted from the very beginning...white (or off-white I should say).

I purchased the stretch damask slipcovers in Ivory/Oyster when SureFit had them buy one get one 20% off. I love the raised damask pattern.  It's so pretty and I think it goes perfect with my old house...

While I will say that I am not a slipcover sort of person because I don't like things that look all mussed up, I do like these.  Though they are a little too big, they are stretchy and can be pulled tight and tucked in good. They are wrinkle resistant, unlike cotton or canvas slipcovers, so they always look nice and crisp, which is a plus in my book;and, they are WASHABLE.  We need that in my house!  They are also easy to put on and take off which is GOOD because I don't like fussing with stuff!

Another good thing, Nuisance has not tried clawing at the furniture since I put these on it.  Go figure! Anyway, though I would prefer to not have to use slipcovers at all, I really do like these.

Now onto some other happy news...

I have been looking for a large mirror for the dining room.  I wanted something vintage and have been looking everywhere but had not found ANYTHING that I liked.  Well, it just so happened that my mother-in-law had this...

and was getting ready to throw it away because the bottom side broke off.  I had never seen it in their house so I don't know where she got it, but she said I could have it.  Oh and by the way, she said, "Do you want the mirror that goes in it?"  REALLY!  You know I said yes.

I got out the Gorilla Glue and attached the bottom side last night.  I will be working on putting the mirror in soon.  I HOPE to get it hung by the weekend.  I'm SOOOO excited!

And, for all of you who spied the crumbs on the rug, I might even vacuum this weekend too! Hahaha.

Until I see you next time, have a great day!

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