Monday, April 28, 2014


Well the last time you saw the sidewalk in the front of the house it looked like this...

Halfway edged and looking pretty pathetic, but I was sooooo TIRED I had to stop.  I'm tellin' ya this job was kicking my butt behind!!! So, the hubs helped me finish it...THANKS HUBS...

Saturday we were able to fill in with mulch...

We bought our mulch in bulk form at a local nursery.  Stanley's in St. James.  I know a lot of people buy it in bags from places like Lowes and that's great if you only need a small amount.  However, when you need a LOT like we did, buying bulk is the only way to go.  Besides, I like the thought of supporting our local small businesses.

We paid $35.00 for an entire pickup truck full.  Now that's CHEAP! Plus, it was way EASIER than buying and loading a gazillion bags of it ourselves.  We simply pulled the truck up to their mulch mountain and they dumped it in for us.

I took less than an hour to mulch down both sides of our 50 foot long walk...

Ahh, now that looks good doesn't it?  The best part is that we eliminated the job of weed eating around this sidewalk every time we mow.  I have added some lights (which I will show you later in the week) and I hope to be adding some mums this next weekend.

If you squint you might notice that I added some small shrub roses to the front planting beds.  They are a new, smaller breed of shrub roses that are perfect for small, narrow planting beds like mine. I have also added feather reed grass in between each rose bush since taking these pics.  I will be back with pics and more information about all those things later in the week.

Until then, have a FABULOUS week! Ciao

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