Monday, June 2, 2014


Hello everyone.  Did you miss me? It seems like it's been forever since I've had the chance to do any blogging.

To say I have been busy would be a HUGE understatement...hence the lack of posts lately.  Of course you know Sis graduated on May 17th.  The next weekend following graduation we celebrated with a big graduation which I was too busy planning and putting it all together to get any pics to share with you all...SORRY, but everything turned out terrific and though it rained most of the day, we had a great time. That was on Saturday the 24th

Sunday was friends and family day at church and then we headed off for a little camping for Memorial Day. Busy times I tell you, busy times.

This past weekend was the first in a long while that I haven't actually had anything or any place in particular that I had to do or be and it felt really good to just be able to relax.  I took a nap yesterday after church. The first in many months and I savored every little moment of it.

Though I have been so incredibly busy, I did manage to sneak in a few little projects that I thought I would share with you today.

The first, I found an old farmers hat at my favorite thrift shop for $1.00 just before Memorial Day and knew that it would make the perfect Patriotic door decor...

I hot glued a few small American flags and sun flowers to it.  It only took a couple of minutes to make and I think it turned out sooooo cute.  It's the perfect door decoration for summer and will last all the way through to Labor Day.

Then this past weekend, since I finally had a little time on my hands, I made slipcovers for a few of the dining room chairs.  I liked the one that I made from an old tablecloth for THIS chair in the master bedroom so much that I decided I wanted some like it for my dining room.  I found a few more old tablecloths (which are becoming harder and harder to find and more expensive) at a local thrift store a few weeks ago and snatched them up.  I got out the sewing machine Thursday evening and went to town.  I finished up on Friday evening.

They're not perfect but I love 'em.  Though they are homemade they are sooooo much better than the ones I got at Wal-mart last year. For one they are tailor made so they fit better. They were a lot cheaper too, which is always a plus.

I couldn't be happier.  Now if I could just talk Pops (my father-in-law) into helping me build the farmhouse table I am wanting.  I would be set!

I like my current table.  It's country style but I am really wanting something similar to this one from Restoration Hardware...

Reclaimed Wood & Zinc Strap Dining Table..Restoration Hardware

It's plain and simple but I love it.  I think it would be perfect for my dining room and it looks like it would be pretty easy to make too, but that's a someday project.

One more thing before I go...I found these really cute old crusty, rusty barrels Saturday for just $5.00 a piece.

It looks as if they were used as planters in their past life.  That's my plans for them too.  I can't wait to get them filled with some pretties.

So what hodge podge mix of things have you been up to lately? Anything interesting? I would love the hear all about it!

Sharing at:

Thrifty Decor Chick...Before and After
Coastal Charm...Show & Share
A Stroll Thru Life...Inspire Me Tuesday


  1. Ahhh...those slipcovers are soooo pretty. Thanks for sharing them at Show and Share!!


  2. Your slipcovers are gorgeous. Such a pretty setting too. Thansk tons for linking to Inspire Me.


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