Monday, June 16, 2014


Good morning!  Well it's Monday...AGAIN...and back to the daily grind.  The weekend always goes by so fast but what a great weekend it was.

The weather was simply gorgeous so we spent Saturday at Dillard's Mill, an old mill turned State park in Dillard, MO about 45 minutes from the house.  It's a beautiful place to visit and have a picnic.  It's been years since we've been there so it was nice to get a chance to visit again. I was shocked with the weather being so nice that we were the only ones there (besides the tour guides inside the mill). However, that made it nice for us.  We had the whole place to ourselves to enjoy.

The views are spectacular and I only wish I was a better photographer.  Perhaps one of these days (hopefully in the near future) I will take a photography class.

I did manage get a few shots that I guess are worthy to post so I figured I would share them here. There are only a few because I was having trouble with my SD card.  I need a new one.  Also, the bubs didn't want his play interrupted with photographs so I had a hard time getting him to cooperate or smile...the little stinker!  Anyway, I'll be quite now and let you see Dillard's Mill...

He did not want to smile.  It was really that he did not want to sit on those steps.  He's not much of a naturist and was "afraid" of them.  However, just seconds before this shot he was trying to catch a frog.  Go figure!

My guys.  Oh how I love them!

Now there's a big smile!

And here's another pretty smile.  Awww, he's such a good man.  I couldn't ask for a better husband.

And my favorite picture of the day...Hubs and Bubs heading off for an adventure...

I like this one too...coming back!

I'm thinking about getting this one I did in black and white enlarged and making a spot for it somewhere in the house...

And we had our picnic lunch by this tree that had a large growth on it's trunk.  Bubs looked like he was pushing the lump up the tree...

Hahaha, so cute!

We really had a great time at Dillard's Mill.  If you're ever in the Steelville, Missouri area you really should make a trip over to see it!

Well this has been a longer post than I anticipated.  I guess I had more pictures than I thought but I can't leave until I share with you what I found at a yard sale that we stopped at on the way to the mill...

A cute wooden @ symbol and a vintage card catalog for a mere $30.00.  Card catalogs are super hot in home decor right now and are usually pretty expensive. I wasn't necessarily out looking for one, even though I have wanted one for a while, because I figured I would never find one at a price I could afford. To say that I am super thrilled about finding this at such a great price is an understatement. It is the perfect piece for my front entryway.  I have been looking for a unique table or cabinet for that entryway for quite a while (4 years) and this is PERFECT.

I can't wait to get a little time to give it a little makeover...though that probably won't be until fall. Whenever it is though, you can be sure I'll tell you all about it!

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