Monday, July 14, 2014


Well I had a pretty productive weekend.

The hubs and kids went to Six Flags with the church group on Saturday.  I probably should have gone with them but walking around a huge amusement park when it's 100 degrees out is just not my idea of fun so I decided to stay home in the comforts of air conditioning and paint the kitchen ceiling.  Believe me when I say that ceiling was in desperate need of a new paint job.  Well see for yourself...

That ceiling was terribly yellowed and was just plain nasty.  As a matter of fact every since we moved into this house the entire kitchen has pretty much felt grimy and dirty no matter how much cleaning I would do.  Well, that is until now.  I have finally managed to give just about every paintable surface in this little kitchen a new coat of paint making it feel fresh and best of all clean....

Ahhh, much better!

You may have noticed that the walls also got some new paint. I know the hubs just painted them a few months ago but the Beige Buckhorn color was a little too pink. In this eastern facing room it resembled the color of a baby pig...not quite the look I was going for in here...if you know what I mean.

I had some Pebble Cinder Gray left over from my master bedroom redo so I decided to use it in here and I love it. I have a few minor things left to do in here and then I can get on with the favorite part.

What did you do this weekend?

1 comment:

  1. Boy do I need to do the same. It is a killer on the neck painting ceilings and your ceilings seem to be exceptionally tall. It looks great... I hope I can muster the energy. That's it I will put it on my list of things to do. but, boy I think I will move it to the bottom of the list a lot. Hugs, Cindy


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