Monday, August 11, 2014


Hello and happy Monday!  How was your weekend?  Long and relaxing I hope.

Sorry I didn't get back with you last week as promised to show you what this picture at the end of my last post was all about...

Did you guess that I was going to make a chalkboard?

I saw Dear Lillie's huge chalkboard in her kitchen and knew that a similar one (only much smaller) would be perfect in mine, huh huh, though her kitchen is WAY more beautiful and bigger than mine.

So I bought a 2' x 4' piece of 1/4" plywood, a 1" x 4" 10 foot long and a quart of chalkboard paint. I had everything cut to size at the store (Lowes).  The 1x4 was cut into 4 pieces...2 20" long pieces and 2 40" long pieces.  I had the plywood cut to a 22" x 35" rectangle.  Hope that made since.

I simply glued and stapled the 1x4 together to make my frame.  I sanded and painted the plywood with chalkboard paint and once it was dry nailed it to the back of the frame.  Super easy!  I didn't even stain the frame.  My 1x4 was naturally pretty dark so I left it natural.

So are you ready to see my Dear Lillie copycat chalkboard?

I will certainly be able to keep better track of my grocery list and appointments with this.

The cost for everything was around $20.00.  Most of that was for the chalkboard paint itself ($10) but I have a ton of it left over for other projects so really this project was very inexpensive.  Cheaper even than buying a smaller chalkboard at Staples or Hobby Lobby and mine has a much chunkier frame than the any store bought one, which I like.

So do you like my homemade chalkboard?  Do you like it enough to make your own?  Go ahead and make one.  You know you need one...somewhere!

Have a great day!

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