Tuesday, September 23, 2014


Happy Fall Y'all!  Once again I have to apologize for my absence around here. I have been super busy again with some different things that have come up...you know life has a tendency to get a little crazy at times, but things are starting to slow down now so perhaps I can do a little more blogging!

Well today officially marks the first day of FALL...yippy!!!... so this past weekend I snuck in a little fall decorating.  I'm almost done...ALMOST...but not quite.  Either way, I thought I would give you a little (if ever so tiny) peek...

I was planning on using a more muted palette this year instead of the usual reds, oranges and yellows that I use pretty much every year but the budget just didn't allow for anything new so once again I pulled out my old faithful autumn decor and went to town.

I did buy a couple inexpensive mums from Wal-mart for the top of china closet but other than that I used what I already had available...

I guess I will have to replenish the candy again because the kiddos (and the daddy) have already eaten most of it...

I tell you if you have never tried a handful of salted peanuts with candy corn you are missing out. It's my family's favorite fall treat. It tastes just like a Payday bar. Yummm!

Sorry for the poor quality of these pics.  I dropped my point and shoot camera a month or so ago and I think it's broken. The shutter is not working right so the lighting is off.  I will get out the big camera soon and take some professional pics (well as professional as an amateur can take).  Promise!

I kept the buffet pretty simple this year.  The lamps pretty much stay there year round so I simply added my vintage white linen table runner for some contrast of all the dark and nestled a gorgeous arrangement of fall leaves in the center. Simple but beautiful...

I took a few pictures of the buffet in all it's autumn splendor yesterday morning before leaving for work....

Then yesterday afternoon I received an offer from a buyer. Yes, the buffet is was for sale. I listed it on Craigslist last month and the buyer is supposed to pick it up tonight.

So I suppose these are goodbye pictures. This will be the last time I decorate this buffet for fall and the last time you see it...but I am happy because...selling this and the china closet...yes, it's for sale too, will make it possible for me to move forward with the dining room makeover. Yay, I can't wait!!!

Have you done any fall decorating yet?

P.S. The antique china closet (shown in the first picture) is still for sale if anyone in the Missouri area is interested. I have it listed for $75.00 which is a GREAT price. There is a little veneer missing from the bottom apron but other than that it is in great shape.

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