Friday, January 9, 2015


Happy 2015 everyone!  Well we are already more than a week into 2015. How'd that happen?

I was hoping to have posted my goals and project list for 2015 by now but I spent all of last week in the hospital. Yes, I finally found out why I have not been feeling well. I was admitted to the hospital right after Christmas with Pancreatitis. I'm telling you the pain was worse than child birth...not even kidding...but I am glad to know what the problem is and to be on the path to better health.

I am taking medications for my diabetes and high cholesterol and watching my diet. There is no fast, sure or easy cure for this condition. It's going to take a while and a lot of hard work on my part with good diet and exercise in order to correct all of this but I am starting to feel more like my old self everyday. Thank you Jesus!

I haven't gotten much done at home since Christmas...with the exception that the hubs put away all of the Christmas decor...bless his the house is pretty much back to normal.  Yay! I love all the pretty Christmas decorations but it always feels nice and refreshing to get it all cleaned up and put away for another year.

I have started to think about my project list for 2015 but first I want to reflect a little on 2014's project list to see how many things I have been able to check off and what is left to do...

Okay, so there are still quite a few items on the list that I did not get checked off but I think I did pretty good.  There are a few items on the list, like the capiz shell chandy for the master bedroom and the ottoman for the living room that I have changed my mind about so technically those could just be removed from the list.  Also I am about halfway finished with painting the trim and doors in the stairwell and I hope to get that finished and crossed off the list in the Spring.

For 2015 I think I am going to concentrate most of my energy outdoors. I am excited to say that we are currently working on redoing the screened porch...a project I have wanted to do for quite some time. The new panels have been made, thanks to my Father-in-law (love ya pops), and are ready to be sanded, painted and screened. We were hoping to have more done by now but with my hospital stay and the super cold temps this week we have had to put the project on hold; however, we will have it all finished up by the first signs of Spring.

I have great plans for that little porch and can't wait to FINALLY be able to spend some time in the evenings enjoying some time relaxing, fellowshipping with friends and sipping some Iced tea. Of course you know you are all invited!

Besides the screened porch, there are a few other outdoor projects that I want to complete this year...

I'm sure I will do a few things indoors too (like finish the dining room makeover) but right now the outside of the house needs more attention. Besides the list of things to do indoors is still so long that I'm not sure I even want to think about it all. It gives me a BIG headache. One thing's for sure though...I will EVENTUALLY get it all done.

So what's on your to do list this year? What are your plans for 2015? Have you written out a list to keep you on track?

I think the BIGGEST things on my list this year is to...

Yeah, that sounds nice!

Have a fantastic weekend. Ciao!

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