Wednesday, March 4, 2015



With the weather being so extremely cold out I thought you all might like to cook up some warm, bubbly comfort food. To me pasta is comforting especially if it's topped with a nice heavy cream sauce and anything Alfredo is definitely my favorite. You too?

Anyway, last night I did just that...I cooked up some warm, yummy, bubbly Alfredo comfort food...minus the heavy, carb loaded pasta noodles!!


I thought I would share the recipe with you.

It's low carb, somewhat low fat and very good for you...It was SUPER TASTY too!

I got the recipe off Pinterest but I tweaked it just a bit by adding in some grilled chicken and mushrooms.  You can find the original recipe HERE...or you can simply follow mine.

This was super EASY to make and was bursting with flavor. Even the hubs was in awe of it and he doesn't like veggies. Let's just say we were all scraping the bottoms of our Spaghetti Squash bowls to make sure we got every last bite.

This will definitely be a recipe I make again. You should try it.  I know it won't disappoint!!!

I made Spaghetti Squash "Noodles" and Tuna a few weeks ago and it was a hit too.  I didn't get pictures but I will probably be making it again sometime in the future and will be sure to post the recipe.

I also hope to post a few of my Zoodle recipes here soon too.  They are yummy as well and super good for you.

Yeah, there's something to be said about warm, oooey, gooey comfort food.  So good!

Have a great comforting day!

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