Monday, May 4, 2015


Happy Monday everyone.

How was your weekend? Mine was a productive one...and I have a sore, aching body to prove it...oh and an almost finished screened porch!  YAYYYYY!!!

We got quite a lot done considering this (below) is what we started with on Friday...

I don't have any true before pictures because the hubs started installing the framing while I was at work...FIGURES, right? But I think you can get the gist of it.

Notice the purple/lavender color in the upper left corner of the porch? Yeah, when we bought the place 4 1/2 years ago, the entire screened porch, including the door frame was that color.  So glad to finally be rid of that!

We used the original porch panels as a pattern and recreated it to be an exact replica of the original screened porch. Now, short of installing the outdoor carpet (which you can tell is much needed), doing a little caulking and some touch-up work, it's DONE!

We will be tackling the carpet and finishing touches this afternoon, then it will officially be finished. I am so ECSTATIC!

The screening is so smooth and clear you can't even tell it's there...but it is. I stapled it on myself!

I think my favorite part ...well besides the fact that there are no bugs to pester or chew on us when we sit out the cool new ceiling fan we put up.

You might notice that it "plugs in" to the light socket and hangs from an eye hook instead of being hardwired. I really like that feature because that makes it portable. I can take this fan anywhere, camping, etc. and hang it. Indoors, outdoors, wherever.  Love that!

It was somewhat expensive but that's because it's rated for outdoor use. The blades are plastic so humidity and moisture will not damage them and the metal casing is not supposed to rust either. I also like the retro look of it and that the blades are enclosed. With the low ceiling on the porch that means that there's no danger of anyone being smacked in the head by turning blades. I think that's pretty much a plus, don't you?

Looks like there's a lot of clean up to do, huh?

Though I REALLY wanted a new screened porch, I have been dreading this whole project because I thought it would be more difficult than it was. It turned out to be fairly easy and the work went pretty quickly too.  We did have about an hour set back Sunday afternoon when our new brad nailer broke and we had to drive over to pops and borrow his, but nothing major.

I truly am thrilled to have this project (almost) behind us and will soon be enjoying my new screened porch.

I will be back soon hopefully with some pretty porch pictures once I put the furniture back and add a few plants and things.

Until then, have a fantastic week....Oh and stay cool!  I hear it's supposed to be in the upper 80's all week. Isn't that just like Missouri! We go from chilly to blistering hot overnight. Happens every.single.year and every year it catches me off guard. You would think after 20 something years of living here I would be used to that by now....but NO. Hehehe.


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Thrifty Decor Chic


  1. how wonderful, and i looove the fan. we have what i call a sunroom, and it needs a fan like that. sometimes there's just no breeze. i know you will really enjoy yourself out there!

  2. The fan is the perfect addition. Love it! Do have a link for purchase information?

  3. love the screened porch, such a charming feature that so many newer homes just don't have. love the wood ceiling and the fan, just curious, did you ever consider using something like the Oil Rubbed Bronze or black spray paint on the ceiling outlet to change it from white to a darker color so there was less contrast between the wood ceiling or dark fan? great job!


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