Tuesday, May 19, 2015


As I mentioned last week when I showed you this design board for the screened porch, I already had a few projects in the works to make it come to life.

One of those projects is a DIY rustic industrial cart style coffee table.

I was going to make my own table and add wheels to it like the one shown on my design board but when we were out on a family outing a few Saturdays ago I stumbled across the perfect rustic industrial style "table"...already built ...

It's a vintage contractors toolbox and it is PERFECT...the perfect size, perfect rusticness, perfect industrialness...PERFECT!!! It even has hidden storage for things like games, books and magazines, which I will show you some other time. All it needed was wheels.

I scoured the web and found these 4" caster wheels on sale for just $14.99 for all four, which is an incredible deal...most wheels this size are $15+ per wheel.  OUTRAGEOUS!!!

I attached the wheels last night and VIOLA'....instant rustic industrial cart style coffee table for the porch...

I love it, don't you?

It looks simply FABULOUS out here!

I have several more projects in the works to get this porch all Summerized but it might be a while before I get to any of the rest of them.  Why, you ask? Well, because last night the hubs decided to till up this flower bed that wraps from here in the front of the house, around the screened porch and all the way to the back door.

Now I am going to have to focus all my attention on preparing, mulching and planting this bed until it's done . UGH!

Don't worry though, no matter what I'm doing, I'll be sure to share.

Until next time, have a fabulous week, oh and a Happy Memorial Day if I don't see you before then.


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