Wednesday, June 10, 2015


Hey y'all.  Sorry so long in getting back into the blogging business. With the onset of summer there has been a LOT of activities keeping me busy on stuff that is not blog worthy or that is taking longer to get finished than planned so I have not yet been able to share.

We have had peewee league baseball taking up about three evenings a week (two practices and one game each week) and a tent revival at church which has taken up quite a lot of time recently.  Not to mention we had ample rain which kept us from getting the yard work completely done. I do have the planting bed done (though the plants are looking quite puny as they have suffered water log and lack of sunlight) and I am almost finished with the sidewalk. I hope to get pictures of everything over the weekend.

In the meantime, I have stolen a few moments to do a little thrift store shopping (while picking up the mail for the office)...shhhhh!!!

Anyway, I found a couple really good deals...

A like new lucite tray for $1.50...perfect for use on the screened porch...

and a super neat teacher's wooden chalkboard compass for $1.00...remember those from Geometry class? Great deal!!! This will definitely come in handy for DIY projects where I need to make a large circle or some DIY art AND I have plans to use it in my decor as well...when I redo the shelves in the living room with Restoration Hardware style "curiosities".

I have also stolen a few minutes here and there to work on my newest project for the screened porch...

Can you tell what it's going to be?

Pay no mind to the markers...they are there to "prop" some of the pieces up until the glue set.  Oh the things we DIYers use...hehe..huh hummmm.

It shouldn't take long to finish it up once I find a little more driftwood. I plan on hunting for some over at the lake this weekend and on our vacation in July.  Yes, this project is one that is taking a LONG time to's teaching me patience. HA.  However, I am determined that I am going to have the porch Summerized BEFORE summer ends!!! At this point that feels like wishful thinking...hahaha.

Anyway, that's what I have been up to for the past few weeks. What have you been doing this summer?

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