Wednesday, June 17, 2015


It's been raining here, raining A LOT! And, since it's been raining and I can't do anything outside, I decided to keep myself entertained indoors

I took some leftover fabric from the dining room chair makeover, which you can read all about HERE, and a sharpie (you'll see where that comes into play in just a minute) and made a cute little throw pillow...

Of course, it had to have a few encouraging, positive words on it (that's why I needed the sharpie) because, well, you much rain just kind of gets a person down.

So some encouraging words for you today...just in case it's raining where you are matter how much rain falls into a persons life, either literally or figuratively...LIFE IS GOOD!!

Turned out really CUTE don't ya think? Yep, and it totally lifted my spirits too, because...I found the perfect place for this little pillow..

I bet you'll never guess where...

Huh, you guessed it...THE PORCH!

I have a few more projects to finish up out there and then I'll be back with lots of pictures and the BIG reveal...(though I think I showed you a little too much HERE the other day)!! Of course you know that will only happen if it EVER.STOPS.RAINING!!!

I do want to point out, in case you want to make one of these for yourself; and, because I had a question about my transfer method, that I tried to use carbon paper to transfer the words to the fabric but it didn't work.  Not sure why, carbon paper ALWAYS works! This time though it didn't and I was determined to make this pillow so I resorted to cutting the letters out of my paper, VERY PRECISELY, which was easy but VERY TEDIOUS, and use the paper as a "stencil" (no pictures of that process, sorry). Once I had everything cut out, I positioned the "stencil" on my fabric where I wanted it and used a sharpie to fill in because I don't think paint would have worked on this...paper is WAY too thin! It would have been a disastrous MESS! Using a paint pen would have been perfect but I didn't have a black one, so sharpie was my tool of choice here and I think it did a fine job!  Also, I "stenciled" everything onto the fabric before I put the pillow form in so that I had a flat surface to work on.

There are other transfer methods out there (like the wax paper method) that would have been WAY quicker and easier but I just did what I could with what I had available to me at the time.

Anyway, has it been raining where you are?

Sharing at:

Karens Up On The Hill
A Stroll Thru Life
Coastal Charm
Savvy Southern Style
Between Naps on the Porch
My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia
No Minimalist Here
From My Front Porch to Yours
Imparting Grace
Home Remedies




  1. What an adorable pillow! Since I'm not a big DIYer and usually struggle with craft projects, please tell me how you got the words transferred onto the pillow? Thanks so much! I really like this!

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  3. This is so darling Sheila, thank you again for sharing at SYS.
    XO Barbara

  4. I love it! I definitely want to make some for my sofa! Thanks so much for sharing at the Talented Tuesday Link Party!

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