Monday, June 29, 2015


Have I ever told you that I LOVE covered bridges?  Well, I do!

They are one of my most favorite things in the whole wide world. Not sure why. I just find them so interesting and beautiful. I always imagine the days in the life of an era gone by or that there's a great adventure or secret garden that lies just beyond.  You know, kind of like the light at the end of the tunnel thing. I'm just SOOO curious of what's out there!

Missouri has four covered bridges to enjoy. At one time I think there was around 28 total in the state but through the years most were either torn down because of deterioration, washed away by a flood, caught fire or some other disaster but there are four left and they are now state property so they are preserved as historic sights and protected.

I have decided that this summer I want to see ALL of them (though that's not saying I am going to get to, hahaha). One of them is about 4 hours away from home so I may not make it to that one.  I'm going to try to though. The hubs don't want to travel that far just to see an old bridge (though he would for a fishing trip. Ugh!) so I am going to have to work on him a bit. I think I might get my way, but we'll see. Hehehe.

Several years ago we visited the one near Paris, Missouri but back then I didn't blog and I don't think I took pictures. If I did it was probably with one of those disposable cameras so who knows where the pictures would be now. The great news; however, is that we will be traveling to the Paris, Missouri area in a few weeks on our vacation...YAY!!! I will be sure to take pictures this time around...of course you know I will share them with you!

This past weekend the weather was superb and so after cleaning the church we decided that we should take advantage of the weather and take a little day trip with the kids. As I was cleaning I was pondering where we could go that we have never been before, that was fairly close to home and that wouldn't cost a lot.  Then it hit me, the Sandy Creek covered bridge was only a little more than an hour away, it was totally free to enjoy and we had never been there. It was PERFECT for a day trip! So we gathered up a little picnic food, filled up the gas tank and was on our way!

The bridge was totally GORGEOUS and the area even more beautiful than I could've imagined.

I had told bubs to take his swimming clothes just in case there was a place to swim, but the hubs said that I shouldn't have made any promises and that he was probably going to be disappointed. To which I replied, "Bridges usually do span water, you know!".  Low and behold there was a sweet, clear and shallow little creek flowing beneath the bridge that was just perfect for wading. I couldn't help but say "I told you so!"  You know how I am.  Hehe.

Anyway, the guys...both of them...decided to take a little swim (apparently the hubs brought his swimming attire too, probably because he knew I was right! Haha). We girls were all totally lady like and just dipped our toes. The water was COLD!!! Brrr.

After playing we ate a little lunch at our picnic spot with a view of the bridge...

It was a nice shady spot.

After lunch we took a little walk and played some more...

Notice bubs did not get his picture taken by the bridge.  Yeah, it's because he was more interested in the water than any ol' bridge!

After all that, we headed over to Mastadon State Park and museum, which we found out was only about 15 minutes away.

It was a neat little place where we got a glimpse of life that existed before civilization in Missouri as we know it today. In the Imperial, Kimmswick area of Missouri there was a Mastodon bone bed found several years ago.  It gave evidence to life that was here before us.

We got to learn about the Indian tribe that had lived in the area...

Found out that there was a creature (a large ground sloth) that was said to have roamed the local forests....

Not sure I believe that one!, and got to see a replica skeleton of a large, full size male was HUGE!!...

Pretty cool!

Bubs liked the sundial they had at the entrance of the museum the most because it was something he learned about at school.

Over all we had a super fun day and made some good and happy memories along the way.

I LOVE day trips! So fun! So adventurous!

What did you do over the weekend?

PS.  I got the DIY driftwood mirror for the porch done too.  I will be back tomorrow to give you a good look at it so be sure to come back.  I think you're gonna like it!

1 comment:

  1. what a great day trip, that bridge is wonderful!! I may have to put that on my list of Missouri places to visit. I just love a little creek to wade in!!


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