Tuesday, August 4, 2015


Hello. If you missed my last post then you missed seeing how much of a hoarder I have become.  I had pile(s) of stuff everywhere that was going into a yard sale. The good news, all those piles sold on Saturday!  Seriously we nearly sold out!! I just have a few items left that I am going to be putting in my SIL's yard sale this coming Saturday.  I'm so thrilled to be RID of all that stuff.

In other news, I am sad to say that I will probably be taking a little blogging break. We (the hubs and I) will be working on some pretty MAJOR projects over the next month or so and I just don't think I will get the time to take any in process pictures. We are scraping, sealing and coating the basement...the WHOLE thang.  I know...BORING...but it has to be done!  I will be painting ceilings, crown molding, another 40 miles of trim, the fireplace and bubs' room...the painting never ends here...SHEESH.  I am also giving our downstairs bathroom somewhat of a makeover with yet more paint and this Tapis Gray faux grasscloth wallpaper...

So sophisticated!! It's the perfect shade of gray for my house and I think I am going to use it to line the back of our built-in bookshelves in the living room too...

AND, the BIGGEST project of all and one that we will be tackling in the next couple of weeks, is refinishing the hardwood floors...in the ENTIRE house...Ohhhh my aching body!!!!

We are going to have to sand everything down to bare wood. Since there are a few water stains in the wood that will not be able to be removed and especially since I don't want to mess with stain because of the issue of overlapping marks, we will be ebonizing the wood with a steel wool and vinegar solution.  I hope our floors turn out as good as Sara's from Handmade Sanctuary did...

Here's hers...

GORGEOUS, right?  Wish me luck and say a few MANY prayers for us.  We have never tackled a job like this before.

You might ask why we are doing all of this so quickly.  I will tell you why later but the main reason is because the hubs is ready for it to happen and I am not about to stop progress.  Hahaha.

I hope we can get all of it done lightning quick so I can get back to posting soon. You know I will share pictures as soon as I can!!


  1. Have fun on your blogging break! We will be here when you get back and I can't wait to see all the finished projects!

    Happy day!

  2. I have never heard of faux grasscloth, looks amazing. Will you please do a follow up post about it and how you used it in your home?


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