Wednesday, December 2, 2015


It seems like I have no shortage of friends and people to give gifts to each year.  You too?

I also seem to have no shortage of pretty picture laden wall calendars at home and at work that are all used up and ready to be thrown in the garbage around this time of year. You too?

So why not kill two birds with one stone. Get rid of those old calendars by recycling, restyling and reinventing them and giving them as gifts to all your friends.

All you need is scissors, a few clipboards (new or vintage), some glue dots and five minutes...

Clip all those lovely pictures from the calendar, cut them down to size if needed and hang them from the clipboards.  Secure the bottom corners of each picture with glue easy!

Then give them to your friends to hang as art on their walls...

Feel free to use a new, current calendar if you like.

I like the idea of hanging them in line down a long hallway...

Or perhaps in a grid on a large wall...

I think botanicals are especially pretty and VERY trendy, yet classic...

You know on second thought, maybe you should just keep all those beauties for yourself...hehehe...


This is a super quick, super easy and inexpensive gift idea and...the possibilities are ENDLESS. The best part is you can really give your friend, son, daughter, ANYONE a gift that matches their personality, taste and style. Have a friend that loves animals, use a calendar with cute, fuzzy, furry animal prints.  Your son love cars? Use a car/automobile calendar to hang in a grid over his headboard. The best part is when their tastes or styles change (or the seasons change) the pictures can be switched out with something different.  So versatile!!

Clipboards are only about $1 each, the calendar is free or you can get one for a dollar at most places and the whole project only takes about five minutes...can't beat that!!!

Don't like the idea of recycling the pictures off an old calendar? Give a whole new 2016 calendar with gorgeous photo prints made especially for clipboards.  They're a little pricey at about $25.00 but they would make a lovely gift for anyone on your list.

Check them out HERE...

Don't have the kind of money?  Download this free printable 2016 clipboard calendar. Copy and paste any image you want into it and print from your own printer.

Anyway, I just wanted to throw this idea out there, before Christmas.  You know in case you are looking for a unique, fashionable and trendy gift that is personalized and inexpensive to give to someone on your list.

Get creative this year...without breaking the bank!!

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