Friday, March 4, 2016


Boy it's been so long that I almost forgot how to blog!!  So sorry for my absence.

As I explained last time, I had been singing the blues because the house has not sold....I am truly anxious to get out to the country, but you know what, I have decided not to worry about it...when it's time, it WILL sell.  In the meantime I realize I am truly blessed to have such a nice place to live. Besides, my hope has been somewhat refreshed as we had a few more lookers this past week. No takers...YET...but at least we are having some traffic again which is always encouraging.

I must admit that I had not put my best foot forward before the first set of lookers came to the house. My closets were horrendous and filled to the max with the aftermath of the holidays and things that I needed to purge...and truthfully I just didn't get the time to clean up and stage as well as I had wanted. The house showed well in spite of those things, but it could've been better!!

This time around, I did put my best foot forward.  I cleaned out closets and cabinets and did some purging. There is still more to do but things are MUCH better. I did a thorough spring cleaning since the weather was nice last weekend and also did a little "spring" staging with some fresh greens from the yard.

Remember the library card catalog I got for $35.00 from a yard sale a few years back?  Best deal ever!!! It's perfect for this entry and the addition of a vase of spring greens made for a fresh and inviting first impression!!!

The dining table got a fresh centerpiece too...Joanna Gaines style...with mason jars filled with greens lining the center of the table.  So lovely and so simple!!!

Sorry these pictures are so horrible.  We had no sun streaming in this morning when I took them and the greens are already starting to fade but...

The house showed REALLY well this time around and I am hoping to receive an offer in the very near future.  Fingers crossed!!!!!  Either way, whether that happens or not, keep us in your prayers...oh and have a lovely weekend.  I hear the weather is going to be nice again...YAYYYY!!! Perhaps it will be another good weekend for house hunters...wink!!!

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