Tuesday, May 3, 2016


I had such a great time on Sunday at the Baker Creek Seed Co. Annual Spring Planting Festival.  The whole family did!!

I probably haven't mentioned much about this on the blog but I have been studying up on organic gardening for the past few years.  After finding out how our government has duped us over the past 45 or so years into believing that our food and drug administration was regulating the quality of our foods to make sure everything we consume is "safe", when all along for bigger and better profits, they were allowing and even supporting commercial farmers and places like Monsanto to produce and plant genetically modified seeds to poison feed the great people of this country....and...allowing packaging companies to use poisonous materials in the packages our food comes in as well...I decided that I want to do better when it comes to feeding my family.  I want organic at a price I can afford (which means growing it myself) so I have searched out a place right here in Missouri that sells organic heirloom variety seeds....and it's only about an hour and a half drive from my house.  I also found out that each year they have a big shindig...their ANNUAL SPRING PLANTING FESTIVAL to celebrate all that wholesome good seed and plants....so we went on a little road trip Sunday to enjoy the festival.

The farm is set up like an old time pioneer village with old time hotel, restaurant, general store, apothecary, livery stable, mill and much more....the mach town is called Bakersville Pioneer Village. Really NEAT!!! For the annual festival they had over 150 vendors there selling their homemade organic, goods, plants, foods, crafts, small farm animals and other wears.  There was live music too....fiddlers, cello players, yodelers, etc.  All sorts of fun things to see and do. It was SUPER, SUPER crowded but we had such a good time.

I wanted to eat at the restaurant which serves vegan food from fresh ingredients right off the farm there but the line was a mile long.  The neat thing about the restaurant is that they don't have a set price for the food.  You pay by donation.  I did have a delicious bowl of organic cowboy beans and cornbread from their outdoor kitchen where the line wasn't so long.  It was by donation also...and I tried a sample of fresh, creamy goat cheese from one of the vendors.  Very tasty!!!

Shamefully I didn't take a ton of pictures because I just wanted to enjoy my day there without being tied down with the camera.  However, I did take a few to show you....

Pops (my father-in-law) and the kids took a horse and buggy ride...

Awww...isn't he pretty?!!

This view is from the entrance gate and that's only about a third of the vendor tents that were set up.  I'm tellin' ya this was a BIG shindig!!

 I bought something from this cute booth....which I will show you tomorrow after I get a picture of it.  All I can say is that I plan on making some of them for my little boutique....but I am trying to keep all that on the down low until everything comes together.

These were my favorite musicians.  I love old time bluegrass fiddle music and these KIDS played beautifully.

These guys were good too.

We also met this group of entertainers...

Of course I was respectful to ask if I could take their picture because I know that native american Indians oftentimes do not permit their picture to be taken.

Of course we were on a real farm so there were all kinds of animals to be seen...sheep, goats, chickens...

I didn't get a picture of it because it was so crowded but the Seed Store (where they sell all the organic seeds) was huge and filled with not only seeds but other cool handmade stuff.  Here's a picture from their website...

I can tell you I absolutely love this place and we WILL be visiting again....probably in the fall.

If you would like to take a trip to Bakersville Pioneer Village aka Baker Creek Seed Co. or learn more about them, go to their website HERE.

I promise if you are in Missouri and interested in organic farming or just like outdoor adventures and activities it's worth the drive.  If you are not in the area they do sell their seeds online.  Plus they will send you a free catalog so you can order by mail.

I'll be back tomorrow to show you what I bought on our trip.


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