Tuesday, February 21, 2017


So the phase of taking out the wall and doing the floors is done.....THANK GOD!!!!  Phase two is now underway.  We had a long weekend so we got some things done...not as much as I was hoping...but quite a bit nonetheless.

Friday was spent trimming out the entry way, ripping, staining and hanging luan plywood on the accent wall, and then installing window trim.  There was a LOT of measuring, marking, cutting and nailing going on Friday.  While I believe a master carpenter could have gotten this done a lot faster, this was an all day job for the hubs and I.

We took a break on Saturday from any carpentry work because we had to make a trip to Home Depot to pick up our appliances.  The orders got messed up and they couldn't deliver them to the house. Figures, right?  I guess that worked out to be a good thing because I decided not to take the refrigerator I had ordered.  I didn't realize it would stick out from the wall nearly 40 inches....WAY TOO BIG...so I decided to go ahead and order a counter depth fridge instead.  The hubs was kind of miffed and said we should just take the one I had ordered while it was there...BUT...I figured it's better to go through the extra wait time and frustration now then to be unhappy and miserable with a fridge that juts out into the room too far.  We are only doing this once so I want to make sure I am happy with the end result.

We are working on a deadline to get the cabinets installed as we already ordered the countertops and the company needs to come out and take measurements; so, Sunday we started placing and installing the wall cabinets. They were pretty easy to hang, level and screw in.  We were lucky to have studs pretty much where we needed them.

Once those were up the hubs decided that we should install the microwave before we placed any of the base cabinets.  I agreed, so we unpacked the microwave, read the installation instructions and hung the bracket.  That part was pretty easy but then we needed to put the charcoal filter into the microwave. Things went downhill from there.  We couldn't get the little door off to insert the filter.  It took over an hour for us to pry it off and we were afraid of breaking it.  There would be nothing worse than taring up a brand new (expensive) microwave.  We finally broke the door loose and installed the filter but then had trouble getting the little door back on right.  That took another 1/2 hour.  I'm telling you we were both about to pull our hair out.  I can't understand why the company didn't just install the filter when they were assembling the dumb microwave in the first place.  Go figure.  It's like they decided to purposefully make it hard on the consumer.

Next we had to tape the paper template to the underside of the cabinet to drill the holes to hang the microwave.  It was nearly impossible to get that X@#X$% piece of paper to stick to the underside of the cabinet right...so let's just say that my patience was wearing quite thin and I probably mumbled...or perhaps screamed...a few vulgarities and then had to repent.  Ooops!!!  Again, I can't understand why the company didn't make the template where you could simply lay it inside the cabinet and drill down to make the needed holes. It would make more sense that way!!  These companies make everything so difficult!!!!  Anyway, altogether it took about 4 hours just to hang the stupid microwave.  After that we put up our tools and called it a day!

Yesterday we installed some of the base cabinets.  It was another long and problem laden day...that included a really funny incident with the shut off valve on the cold water pipe coming open and spraying the hubs in the face...and wetting half the kitchen down. Hehehe!! Besides that, we did manage to get the peninsula cabinets installed and the open shelves hung.

We will be tackling the rest of the base cabinets tonight and will hopefully be ready to call the countertop installers by the end of the week. 

I promise to keep you updated!!! 


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