Wednesday, March 16, 2011


It seems the trend in decor is moving to an "all-white" world.  I love the look, but personally I like a little color with my white, but to each his own, I always say. 

One of the first things I noticed when moving to Missouri nearly 20 years ago is that Missourians are NOT AFRAID of COLOR.  As a matter of fact some of them REALLY love color...and some of them display it not just on the insides of their homes, but on the OUTSIDE as well.

On a little lunch time drive the other day I spied one house in particular whose owner is NOT afraid of color... this is what I spied

from that moment on, I knew I just had to do this little COLOR post.   I immediately started scouring the neighborhood for a few more of these colorful jewels...this is what I found just in the little town of Steelville, where I work...

a little more BLUE for your viewing pleasure...

....or how 'bout some lavender

Maybe you're in the mood for a little (LOT) of green for St. Pat's Day.

The quality of some of these pics may be a little less than perfect...I remind you these were drive-by'

Do you like mint?

Maybe you're in the mood for a little yellow.  While I didn't find any extreme yellows in town, I did find a few to post...especially if you are in the mood for a little spring time colors...

or maybe you would like some MUSTARD with a dash of Ketchup...

How about some PEA SOUP...

The "pea soup" comment was not to make is in keeping with my previous food themed comment.  However, this house is very tastefully done, as well as the "mustard and ketchup" house.  Although they are small, they really are quite striking to see in person.

To be honest, although I don't think I could commit to any of these particular color choices for the exterior of my house, it takes guts to go beyond the norm and I must say I am impressed with these folks' bravery...

...soooo, you tell it an ALL WHITE WORLD...I THINK NOT!

I'm linking up to SAVVY SOUTHERN STYLE for Wow Us Wednesday...Join me there!!!


  1. Hi Sheila
    I am clicking away on Kim's party list, this morning and was pleasantly surprised to see another Missourian participating.

    Just stopping by to welcome you to the land of blog.
    Pat@Back Porch Musings

  2. Very Fun post!! Thanks for sharing & Welcome to the Blogging world..
    (new follower : )


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