Thursday, March 17, 2011


Don't you just LOVE vintage GESSO frames?  Don't you just love to die for THRIFTY FINDS?  Don't you just love putting together PRETTY little vingettes to make everyone OOOH and AHHH?  Well, if your answer is yes, then....this is my little gesso, thrifty find, vingette story...and i'm stickin' to it!! 

I had been spying some of these beauties in the local antique malls and just knew I had to have one...after all I had decided to do my bedroom in pink and roses and a pretty rose print in a vintage Gesso frame was a must...BUT I just couldn't bring myself to spend upwards of $50, $70 or $100 for one.  That's just way TOOOOOO pricey for my blood.  So what's a girl to do?  I searched for cheaper ones at EVERY flea market and antique mall I came across but to NO avail.  Then one day....

...the little town of Steelville, where I work, had a city wide yardsale, called JUNKARAMA, last spring and that's when it happened...I hit PAY DIRT, JACKPOT, SCORE... Oh do I sound a tad bit EXCITED.  You betcha!  I scored this beautiful Gesso frame for...

$....are you in suspense?  Then you'll just have to keep reading, lol. 

I almost had a heart attack when I spotted it...gesso at a YARDSALE.  I approached the table where it was resting, picked it up and gently turned it every which way to see the price tag.  Ahhhh, THERE WAS NO PRICE TAG,oh no "what do I do", I asked myself.  Real suave like, I went up the gentleman hosting the sale and sweetly said, "how much do ya want for that old picture there, sir? (there was an aged portrait of a newlywed couple in it, but not to worry, it's preserved behind the roses).  He said "oh I don't know, make me an offer."   I nearly PANICKED.  How much should I say?  What should I offer?  Then in my thrifty, CHEAP, squeeky little voice I said...

..."Will you take $5.00 for it?"  Can you believe I made such a low ball offer?  I mean really...AM I CRAZY?  I just knew he would say NO.  I mean anyone in their right mind knows it's worth more than that.  Then to my SURPRISE, he said "Oh, I suppose that seems like a FAIR price, SOLD!" (I think I actually did the happy dance all the way back to the car)

Then, my search was on for a CHEAP (hmm, hmm, I mean PRETTY) rose print.  I thought it would take months....but...this little idea of mine was truly meant to be because...the very same day I scored the frame, I scored the rose print at an auction for $2.00 and, IT WAS A PERFECT FIT!  I didn't have to do anything to it at all except for take it out of it's 1980's hotel room style frame and put it in my new VINTAGE gesso frame.   Viola, $7.00 for the whole "piece de resistance". 

I knew this new piece just had to go atop my chest of drawers but WHAT to put with it?  I found the old cabinet door all CHIPPY and pretty at a classy flea for $2.00.  The sugar bowl, vintage SILVER sugar spoon, tea pot, lace scarf and flowers were all purchased from local junk shops.  I spent less than $3.00 for all.  The birds were a little pricey...I got a three piece set (only two shown) from a little classy flea for $17.00.  Yes, I know that's a lot, but I just had to have them they were sooo CUTE.

Figuring up everything, my little dresser vingette set me back a whopping...$'s that for pretty on a budget. 

Anyway, that's my yummy little vintage gesso, thrifty, pretty vingette story...and i'm sticking to it.

I'm linking up to these parties....

Vintage Inspiration Friday<br><br><br><b>Join us every Friday...</b>


  1. You sure did score! The frame is beautiful and your vignettes are pretty. Have a great weekend.

  2. What Beautiful Treasures, I just turned an old frame into a ribbon board for photos & Postcards.... Have a wonderful weekend, hope you get time to stop on by

  3. Hello! I found your blog on A Stroll Thru Life. Your vignette is very pretty and I especially like the print of the roses. I like scoring a bargain,too. I'm a new folower. I'd love it if you visited me and followed me as well.

  4. Wow! What great deals! I love the birdies too =)


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